The Storm

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(A/N: tHIs iS tHE stErIotYPicaL stORm chApTEr) (But it has a twist) (Also, there's a gay slur that's almost completely censored, I'm really sorry, I do not condone the use of the word, but it worked for this scenario. There is also underage drinking, which I don't condone either.)


My alarm went off at 2:00 A.M. I quietly grabbed my suitcase full of clothes, a couple of pictures of me and my siblings (and my dog), my turtle stuffed animal, and my phone. I threw them all out the window, then hopped out behind them, grateful in that moment that my bedroom was on the first floor, and not upstairs like Mary's or Martha's. Hercules, Lafayette, and Alex were waiting outside in the "getaway car."

I threw my things into the trunk as quietly as possible, then got into the backseat next to Alex, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. The snow was falling hard, so we rushed home, nearly hitting a lamp post on the way.

"Sorry!" Apologized Laff. "I am used to driving in France!"

"Don't they drive on the same side of the road as us?" I asked.

"Close up!" Laff exclaimed, swerving once more.


It was Monday, and the whole gang had surprised us the night before by throwing a party at Hercules, Lafayette, Alexander, and my house. We all were awake until about 6:00 A.M, when we all passed out. Peggy was supposed to be the designated driver and get everyone home, but that didn't work out because Maria ended up pouring vodka from the bottle directly into Peggy's mouth, so everyone just stayed the night.

I woke up on the couch, Alex laying curled up on my lap, looking small, childlike, and overwhelmingly adorable. On the floor in front of us, Hercules was laying on top of Lafayette, and Peggy was on top of Herc (in a non-romantic way because I don't ship Heggy.) On the kitchen table, Angelica was cuddling with Maria. Thomas and James were both shirtless and laying on the coffee table. Finally, there was Eliza who had somehow managed to climb on top of the kitchen cabinets and fell asleep there.

There were multiple beer cans and bottles of wine and vodka empty on the floor and all of the pieces furniture that no one was sleeping on were upside down or on their side. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 10:30 a.m. I was about to get up and tell everyone to get their hungover asses to school when I heard the loudest crack of thunder I've ever heard in my life. Alex jumped out of my lap and to his feet immediately.

Well almost to his feet. He actually landed on the pile of the people in front of the couch, making Peggy and Lafayette both let out high pitched shrieks. Hercules sat up quickly and flung Peggy off his back, making her hit into the coffee table. Thomas and James both yelled out, wondering what had shook the table, which woke up Eliza and made her come crashing down from the top of the cabinets onto the kitchen table, crushing Angelica and Maria.

The thunder cracked loudly again, making everyone get to their feet after untangling themselves from whoever they had been sleeping next to - or in Angie and Maria's case, crushed by. James sneezed. Alex began shaking as he looked out the window, seeing the torrential rain pouring down outside, washing the sidewalk of snow. I walked over to Alex and put my arms around him. Why was he shaking? Was he ok?


John walked over and put his arms around me. I stopped shaking as hard, but I was still shaking. Storms have always given me anxiety, ever since one killed almost everyone I knew. I was having flashbacks, dark ones filled with tears.

I took a deep breath. This wasn't the Carribean, this was New York. And I was safe here, because John was with me. I really did feel that way, but anxiety got the best of me and I fell to the ground.

"Yo Alex, you ok?" Asked Herc.

Everyone was staring at me and I blushed and clenched John's hand.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door that distracted everyone from my panic attack. Laff walked to the door and opened it.

"IS MY SON IN HERE?!" Screamed an angry man's voice.

I forgot about my fear instantly jumped up and took John to my closet, closing the door as quietly as possible behind us, knowing I needed to protect him.

"I assume that was your dad?" I whispered into the dark.

"Yeah, Henry Clay Laurens. The angriest homophobe on the planet." John said darkly.

"Homophobe sounds like a type of bacteria." I said, trying to lighten the mood and failing miserably.

"Yeah, because they're the scum of the earth." I could almost hear him roll his eyes.

I still could hear the pounding rain outside, but I was trying to stay strong for John. I moved closer to him though, to try to stop shaking so much. We heard a crash in the bedroom.


I felt John's heart speed up and he put his arms around me again, hugging me tightly. It would've been a sweet moment if there hadn't been a raging homophobe tearing up my entire bedroom.

"You need to leave my house right now, sir!" Said Hercules in an angry tone I had never heard him use before, even when he had been mad at me for kissing Maria.

"Shut your mouth, f****t!" Screamed John's dad.

"Now, Henry. I know you're angry but please don't use that language in front of these young impressionable children!" I heard a woman's voice say, I assumed she was John's mom.

"WHAT, DO YOU AGREE WITH THEIR SINS AGAINST GOD? YOU LITTLE B*TCH!" Suddenly there was a loud smacking noise and the woman began crying.

"YOU CAN NOT DO THAT! THAT IS MARITAL ABUSE!" I head Angelica shriek. I could tell by the strained noises she was making that she was trying to punch him, but someone was holding her back.

"It's not worth it, Angelica!" I heard Maria cry "He'll hurt you too!"

"DAMN RIGHT I WILL!" Screamed Henry, and I heard a swoop through the air, he was probably trying to hit her but missed.

"LET ME AT HIM!" Yelled Angelica.

"You know what would make him angrier?" I heard Maria say in her usual flirty tone.

"STOP TALKING ABOUT ME LIKE I'M NOT HERE!" The whole time this conversation had been happening, there had been slams all around the room like Henry had been looking everywhere for John and I.

Suddenly the whole room went silent and I wished desperately I could've seen what was going on.


"Well, so are you for abusing your wife, destroying other people's property, and being an overall asshole." I heard Lafayette say in the best English he'd ever used.

Suddenly the closet door swung open and a red faced, sweat soaked, stocky man stood in front of us, eyes glinting evilly and an insane smile on his face. I couldn't believe this was the sweetest boy on earth's father.

John's arms tightened around me and Henry's eyes widened.

"Don't tell me.... This is what I get for letting you go to public school! You're surrounded by f*****s and it makes you think you're one!" He reached forward to grab me and John pushed me behind him, covering me so his dad couldn't touch me.

"Henry, leave right now. I'm not coming back to the house. Especially not after seeing you like this." Said John coldly.


John reached behind him and grabbed my hand. I squeezed it tightly as he said, "You're no father of mine."

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