Chapter 1: The Broken

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Vincent's POV

These experiments have been going on for a few months. Dr. Chandler is keeping a close eye on all of us. She has been very concerned after what happened to Lafferty. Everyone is still in shock—and that's putting it mildly.

Even in the midst of the stress of what's happened, there has been some good. Alex somehow found a way to come see me. How she got over here or on the base, I have absolutely no idea. She claims she pulled some strings. Who knows. All I know is I was so happy to see her. We went through a rough time. She says she came to reconcile. I was just happy to see her. Maybe there is hope for us after all.

We've seen more and more of the side effects of the injections. Rage, anger, brutality... nothing seems to be able to contain it. Everyone here is on edge. I can only hope this whole thing doesn't completely fall off the rails.

Alex's POV

I can't believe it...

I look down at the small test in my hand. I still can't believe what I'm looking at. Two small pink lines have appeared telling me...

I'm pregnant...

As soon as I can stand to my feet, I run and grab a piece of paper and a pen. I write a letter to my fiancé telling him about the baby. I'm so excited I can barely contain it. This could be our chance. This little life inside me could be the glue that pulls our relationship back together. Every joy I've ever known flows through me as the ink from the pen stains the paper with my excitement.

As I'm writing, I hear a knock at my door. Confused, I walk over to the door and open it to reveal an army messenger.

"Ms. Salter?" He asks.

"Yes, sir," I tell him.

He doesn't say anything for a moment. He purses his lips as if he is in pain and closes his eyes. When he opens his eyes, he looks directly at me with a sympathetic look. Suddenly, the joy that was within me is pushed away by a deep-rooted anxiety.

"I'm sorry," he starts.

No. No. No. It can't be. No. It's something else. It can't be this.

"Mr. Keller was killed in action," he tells me as he hands me an envelope. "I'm sorry, miss. You have our condolences."

The door closes, and I sink to my knees. I feel my heart contract. It feels as if it's being squeezed with a force I've never felt. The air is sucked from my lungs.

He's gone. No. He's gone...

9 months later...

When I look into her face, I see him. Leslie resembles Vincent in so many ways. I see nearly none of myself when I look at her. It's almost all him.

I feel awful in a way, but I just can't do it. I can't handle this without him, and she reminds me too much of him. Two weeks ago, I talked to an adoption agency. They don't have a home for her yet, but they believe they will have a family soon.

I gently hand her to the woman that has come from the adoption agency. I feel guilty, but also have a hope that she will have a better chance with a family that isn't as broken.

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Song: Way Down We Go by Kaleo

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