Chapter 15

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Evan's POV

      It's been a few months since Leslie ran out of the apartment. I thought I lost her that night. My world nearly fell apart that night. When she came back, I swore I'd never lose her again.

      I've been assisting Muirfield through Agent Kyle for a few months. Les is still against it, but she won't tell me why. I'm doing it to protect her and Cat. Catherine is somehow involved with this creature and now somehow I think Leslie is too. This thing is dangerous. I won't let it hurt either of them.

      I've been brought back into Muirfield today for questioning. They want to know what I have. I have given them all I've found. I'm currently in a small waiting area. They've kept me longer than usual. Either they think what I have was valuable, or they are completely desperate.

      Muirfield won't tell me much of anything. The man that was sitting at a computer has left. I'm going to have to find out what they know myself. I walk over to the computer making sure I don't make a sound. The man was daft enough to leave himself logged in. I'm able to look at a few files. As I search, I cautiously scan my surroundings every few moments to make sure no one might see me. I come across a file I believe could be the creature, but I never expect what I find.

      When I open the file, it's pictures, security camera footage and audio all of my Leslie. They have stats of height, weight, etc. They have her route to school. They have locations she's been at. As I look through this, I feel my heat rate quicken and my breathing become shallow. I'm not sure I was even this scared when I believed I was going to die.

     Why do they have this? Is this because of me or something else? What do they want with my little girl?

      I'm so panicked that I don't notice the footsteps approaching.

      "Dr. Marks," I hear. "Dr. Marks."

      I turn to see the man has returned. His look is full of frustration. He also looks worried. Obviously, I wasn't supposed to stumble upon this.

      "Why do you have this?" I ask.

      "It is simply a precaution," he tells me.

      "That's not a good enough answer," I say with my voice rising. "Now, I'm gonna ask again. Why do you have this?"

      He doesn't respond. He just looks at me with an expressionless face. It takes all the self control I have not to strangle him.

      "You are dismissed, Dr. Marks," he states.
      I don't say anything else to him. I simply turn and leave. This is far from over. They seem to be closing in on Les, and I have a feeling that it has to do with the cross-species creature. I know now that I have to end this and quickly. I believed that the people I love could be in danger because of this thing, but now, I know they are.

      It is late. I need to find Leslie and Catherine now. They could both be in more danger than I know of. My heart nearly stops when I can't reach Leslie on her cellphone. I can't reach Catherine's either. I decide to try to see if Cat is at her apartment. I know she's involved with the creature in some way, but I don't know how. I need her on my side.

      As I walk to the apartment, I can't help but recall my memories with Les. I remember that I had heard a few thumps on my fire escape for a couple of weeks around the same time. It was always when I got home. I originally thought it could be some form of animal until I waited a few extra minutes to go into my apartment one day. I saw a small girl was on my fire escape. I smiled when I saw her. She didn't know I was there, I was a few stories below her. She was writing or drawing on a notepad. She seemed completely content. Her clothes were raggedy, and her auburn hair was in a little bit of a mess, but she was so pretty. She was adorable.

      The next few days, I did the same thing. I'd just watch her for a few minutes before I came inside. I could never figure out how she'd gotten up there, so I knew she was rather creative. One day when I had come in, I'd heard the same thump that meant she had run off. When I looked out of my window, I saw the notepad she also drew in. While the handwriting was quite shaky and hard to read, I was able to make it out. What I read was heartbreaking. This girl didn't feel wanted or loved. I knew then that I couldn't just leave her like that. I had a feeling she'd come back for the notepad.

      I put the pad back on the fire escape and left the window open. About 15 minutes later, I saw a small bit of auburn hair out of the corner of my eye. I walked slowly towards the open window so that she couldn't see me.

      She had her back to me when I greeted her. Part of me felt bad. I knew I had spooked her. She looked at me with terror in her eyes. I told her that it was ok. She just backed away until I heard her hit the back of the fire escape. She wouldn't tell me who she was. She looked around for a way out. I slowly offered her my hand. She looked at it unsurely. I was relieved when she finally took it.

      That is what started it all. That day I honestly consider the best day of my life. I still remember the surprised look she gave me when I offered her food. I don't think she had ever been cared for before. From that day in though, I loved her more than anything.

      Now, I fear she's in trouble. Well, I don't just fear. I know she is. I continue walking to Cat's apartment. When I reach it, I stop in my tracks. She and a man I don't recognize are on her fire escape.

      What is it with us and fire escapes?

      She's... she's kissing him. I feel my heart sink in my chest... but it only gets worse. I watch him jump a few stories off of it.

      That's... that's impossible. Unless...

      This man is the cross species creature. I knew she was involved with him somehow... but this is worse than I thought. I had tried to push away the thoughts of his DNA on her scarf. I had tried to tell myself it was just from the crime scenes. Now, I know that the suspicions were correct. I watch him run to what should be the entrance to the tunnels.

      Now I've got you.

      I run in the direction of my apartment before contacting Muirfield. I want to make sure I know where Leslie is before they get involved. I come home to see her on the couch. She's not quite asleep, but just almost. Her head pops up when I walk in the door. Her tired eyes are suddenly wide awake when she sees me.

      "Dad!" She exclaims when I walk in the door. All of a sudden, I am nearly tackled by a little ten-year-old who runs and embraces me. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see her. All of the what just took place at Catherine's suddenly washes away. She's here in my arms. That's all the matters now. I live every day to see her. She's in every thought. My little girl fills every breath that enters my lungs.

      I don't think anymore about any of the things I've seen tonight. I hold my whole world in my arms the rest of the night. After I shower, I sit down on the couch with Leslie's head laid on a pillow in my lap. I hold her and gently stroke my daughter's hair as she falls asleep. She looks so peaceful. She is so beautiful. She is more breathtaking than any sunset. She is more elegant than royalty. She is lovelier than the most magnificent rose. She is my everything.

      I hold her as I fall asleep. People tell you to live like there is no tomorrow. I feel like in this moment... I have...


Song: Cinderella by Stephen Curtis Chapman

Video: Stephen Curtis Chapman

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