Chapter 2: Hello, Mr. Marks

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Leslie's POV

6 years later...

Home after home. Foster family after foster family. That's pretty much been my life. No family seems to want me. I swear I was born cursed. Even at six years old, somehow my mind comprehends the idea of being unwanted. It doesn't seem fair. And it's not just the fact that no one wants me... it's something else.

I first discovered it about a year ago. In my rage, after being sent back by another foster family, I had punched the wall beside the bathroom mirror. When I looked at the wall—even looking through my tears—there was a hole in it, but that was nothing compared to when I looked at my hand. Claws protruded from my fingers. When my eyes trained to the mirror, my eyes were yellow, and my teeth were like those of an animal.

The first time, it horrified me, but now, I guess I'm used to it. It's happened a couple of times after that. Sometimes, my eyes just turn yellow. Sometimes, it's the complete transformation. Since the first time, I've been extremely strong, fast, agile, etc. It's crazy.

With this family rejection, I've finally had enough. There's a window in the bedroom with a broken latch that just so happens to be above my bed. Most people couldn't slide out of this window, but I suppose there are some benefits to being so small. After making sure no one is watching, I pop the latch open, slide out with a small bag, and I'm gone. Most of my families I was with lived close to each other, so I made friends in that area. Many of them were homeless. They know how to take care of themselves, so I go to the last place I saw them.

I find one of them there. He's 13, and took care of me while I lived in this area. He guides me to the rest of the group, and I explain the best I can why I'm there. I'm welcomed into this little group so that I'm not on the streets by myself. Sneaking out is one thing—actually making it out here is another.

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I stay here for several weeks. For the most part that means remaining hidden, because the group home has been looking for me, and I have no intention of going back. Roofs, fire escapes and other places are typically where someone can find me. Since I have super strength, speed, etc, I can get to places that most people can't. I've been staying on one fire escape since I left the group home. It's where I've gone when I want some peace. I stay up here pretty much all day... well, until the guy that lives here gets home. The fire escape is right at his window.

Today, I think I've been up here for three hours. I brought a notepad and a few pencils with me. I draw a few things. I also write a scribble down a few words, some being all I can manage to spell, that continue to roll around in my mind:

Who? Why? Family. Hope. Help.

Sometimes, it feels better just to write it down, even though my handwriting is terrible and hardly legible. I mean I am six, so I just learned to write. These words and questions have bothered me for a long time. I don't know who or really even what I am. I don't know why my parents didn't want me or if they're even still alive. I also don't know... if anyone will ever take me. I don't know if I'll ever have a family or heck, even a last name to call my own. I'm just Leslie. I don't have a last name. I have no mom. I have no dad. I'm pretty much alone.

Inside the apartment, the lock on the door clicks, telling me it's being unlocked. I look to see the man that lives here has come in. Before I can think, I leap off the fire escape and run.

When I get back to our makeshift home, I'm nearly shaking. I'm so scared that he saw me. I will not go back to the-

Oh no...

I reach into my pockets, and my notepad is gone. I realize I left it on the fire escape. The notepad has my name on it, well the piece of a name I have. I know that I have to go back to get it.

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When it finally turns dark, I head back to the fire escape. The light is on in the apartment, so I will have to be careful. I make my way up to it, and peak into the open window. There's no clear sign of the resident, so I think I'm in the clear. I gently place my feet on the platform, and start to look for the pad. I don't see it. Of course, I don't even have time to begin to worry before...

"Well, hello there," I hear a British accent say. I jump back and turn around to come face to face with the guy that owns the apartment. There must be a look of pure terror and shock on my face.

"Hey, Hey, hey," he says softly. "It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you."

I move backwards slowly. He just shakes his head.

"Who are you, little one?" he asks

I continue to move backwards until I hit the back of the fire escape. There's nowhere left to go. My eyes go wide. My pulse is racing. I've never been caught before. I don't know this guy. My thoughts seem to fly behind my eyes faster than I can comprehend them as they become jumbled and blurred. He just sighs, and extends his hand.

"Here," he says. "Why don't you come inside? It's freezing."

I hesitantly accept his hand, and he guides me inside. He takes me into a kitchen and dining room, and I sit down at a bar area.

"Are you hungry?" he asks. I shyly nod my head. He sets out a plate of food in front of me. I start to eat. He just watches me with a gentle, genuine smile. I look confusedly at him.

"Who are you?" He starts to question.

"Leslie," I respond meekly, my voice only just above a whisper.

"Well hello, Leslie," he says softly. "I'm Evan. Might I ask where you came from or who your parents are?"

I don't respond for a little bit. How exactly am I supposed to answer this? Finally, I just tell him.

"I... I don't have any..." I explain to him, my head dropping down a bit.

"No parents?"


"Do you have a place to stay?" He asks.

"Not exactly," I tell him.

"Well," he says. "You do now."

"What?" Now I'm really confused.

"Here," he says. "You can stay here."

"Like..." I'm almost scared to ask. "Like a home?"

"Yes," he states somewhat excitedly.

I don't know what came over me, but I jump and wrap my arms around his neck. He seems mildly shocked, but soon gently wraps his arms around me...

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Song" Ordinaryish People by AJR

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