Chapter 5

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Leslie's POV

I woke up this morning with more energy than I've ever felt. This is the closest I've ever come to having answers. I actually got slightly too excited, because when I look in the mirror, my eyes were yellow. Oops. I calmed down a bit after that.

I'm standing outside the chemical plant waiting for the guy I met yesterday. I slid under a break in the fence, and am now standing at stairs leading to the door. I hear two feet land behind me, and turn around to be face to face with the man.

"You actually came back," he says.

"I'm hurt that you think I'd just ditch you," I tease.

He smiles and leads me inside. Another guy sits in front of a computer typing frantically.

"Can I actually know your name now?" I say in a bit of a smart tone. "You know mine, but I don't know yours. This seems like an unfair advantage."

"I'm Vincent," he tells me. "And that is J.T."

J.T. continues to frantically type. I don't really think he's heard Vincent. He seems very wrapped up in what he's doing. His heartbeat is insanely fast. He's sweating. Whatever this is, it's scaring him.

"J.T.," Vincent says again with no response. "J.T.!"

J.T. jumps and yells. He turns to Vincent and I with wide eyes.

"Oh," he says. "You're here. I didn't realize you were there."

"Well obviously," Vincent laughs. "I thought you were gonna jump through the ceiling."

J.T. just looks at me for a few seconds as if to study me. He looks from me to Vincent several times as if making a comparison.

"You're umm Leslie, right?" he asks me.

"Yes," I answer him.

"Ok," he says. He pulls out a chair and motions for me to sit. Before he sits down, he pulls Vincent aside and talks to him for a moment. Vincent then walks out the door.

Woah, hey, where is he going?

J.T. comes back over to me and sits down in front of me.

"Where is Vincent going?" I ask J.T.

"He's going out," he tells me. "It's alright. He'll be back soon. Can I ask you a couple of questions?"

"Umm sure..." I tell him unsurely.

"Ok. What's your full name?" he asks.

"That is slightly complicated. My adoptive name is Leslie Marks. I don't know my actual last name."

"When is your birthday?"

"I'm not actually sure. I know I was born sometime in 2002, but I don't know the actual date. We celebrate on October 12, because that's the day I officially got adopted."

"Can you describe your... powers to me?"

"Well, my eyes turn yellow, then my teeth turn to... like fangs and claws come from my fingers. When I don't... beast out or whatever you wanna call it, I have heightened senses. My earing, sight, smell, touch and taste are all heightened. It's insane."

"When did you discover this?"

"I was about three or four."

He takes notes after asking every question. He runs tests... and draws a little blood. I wasn't too thrilled about that. Vincent finally comes back and gives me a physical. Apparently, he use to be an ER doctor.

Soon, I realize how long I have been here and tell them that I need to head home. I grab my jacket and run out the door. I meet dad getting home. I nearly scare him to death when he turns around and didn't realize I was in the fire escape.

J.T.'s POV

I took notes on the questions and other tests I got from Leslie. I took note of a couple of her physical features as well: fair skin, auburn hair and brown eyes. Her traits fit too... I can't decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
I grab my notes and other files I've found concerning anything about this kid. There weren't many. I throw all the papers and folders into a backpack.

"Where are you going?" Vincent asks.

Oh darn...

"I'm... uh... I'm going to the university to run some tests. I'm comparing blood samples."
That's at least partially true.

"Ok..." Vincent says. I know he doesn't quite believe me, but I can't tell him the whole truth... not until I'm sure. With that, I walk out the door to my car.

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