Chapter 11

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Leslie's POV

Today has been fairly normal. Dad's called and checked in on me a few times this afternoon. I got home from school about an hour ago. I came over to the chem plant to find JT running tests on Vincent. He blacked out again, but this time he came back covered in blood. JT has been asking me what I know about the murder on campus.

"Well, you're not gonna like this JT," I say. "But the guy died of blood loss due to multiple lacerations. They appeared like claw marks."

"That's what Cat said," JT told me. "I've already run tests on him this morning. Catherine is bringing DNA from the crime scene to test against Vincent's."

As he says this, she walks in the door. JT begins testing the DNA samples as soon as she gives them to him.

"Vincent," She says. "You didn't do this. I know it."

JT soon confirms this when there isn't a DNA match.

"And I know you couldn't have done this," Cat says to me. "Evan told me you fell asleep on him on top of him on the couch while you guys were watching a movie, and when he woke up you were still there."

"So now the question is who did do this?" I ask.

"That is an excellent question," Cat says. "Your dad is currently at the crime scene investigating. I'm gonna go back to the precinct and see what I can find out."

About twenty minutes later, Catherine calls me.

"Hey Cat," I answer. "Did you find anything?"

"Leslie," She says in a panicked voice. "You need to come to the campus right now. Bring Vincent with you. Hurry!"

Vincent take the phone from me.

"Cat?" Vincent asks. "What's going on?"

"It's Evan," I hear Cat day through the phone.

I quickly grab the phone from Vincent.

"Cat!" I nearly scream through the phone. "What's wrong with dad?"

"Les," She says. "Your dad was taken. The guy is a copycat, and I know where he's taking him."

I feel all of the color drain out of me. I sink to my knees. I feel like my life was just sucked out of me. Vincent grabs me before I hit the ground. I know I'm crying. He pulls me to himself. I sob into him.

We run full speed to where Cat directs us. We meet Cat and start walking. All of my senses are practically maxed out. I listen, and then... I hear it. I hear a familiar sound that has soothed me for four years.

"I can hear his heartbeat!" I exclaim.

"Lead us to him," Cat says.

I run ahead only to realize that Vincent has transformed. He's gone beast. Cat looks from me to him. She wants me to lead him to the guy that has dad. I slowly approach and see him. I feel my eyes turn yellow looking at him... this guy took my dad. I can still hear dad's heartbeat. He's alive.

The guy turns and looks at something. I turn to see he's looking at Vince. Vince runs at him and he... he... he tears him apart. I'm shocked by what I see. He turns to Cat with a crazed look in his eye. Cat shoots around him before he runs off.

She comes over to me. My yellow eyes are wide. I've never seen Vincent like that. She puts her hand gently on my shoulder.

"Go," she whispers. "He'll be ok."

I want to run to my dad. I want to wrap my arms around him. I thought I lost him. I couldn't bear it is I ever lost him. But despite this, I go. I go back to the precinct.

They bring dad soon and I nearly tackle him when I run to him. In tears, I wrap my arms around him. He holds me. I feel all eyes on us. Once again, I hear his heartbeat, and I swear it is best sound I've ever heard in my life.

𝙷𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝 [𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora