Ch. 3 Dreaming of a Life I Never Knew

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I found myself in the mansion again with Draco's mother but this time Draco's father was there. He held her closely to him as sobs wracked her body. I saw the pain in her blue eyes as he held her closely to him. I couldn't imagine how much pain she felt.

"Do you think she's okay?" She asked Draco's father.

"Without a doubt Narcissa," he responded but I could hear his voice trembling with emotion as he spoke. He wasn't as heartless as he tried to seem. "She's probably living a nice life right now. She may even be learning magic right now."

"Why would someone take her? She was just a child!" Narcissa asked with anger filling her voice. The anger mixed with the agony inside her body.

"She's stronger than any witch that I know. The Order wanted her for that reason," Lucius said simply as he rocked Narcissa in his arms trying to calm his broken wife while fighting against his own brokenness.

My eyes flew open as I gasped clutching my chest. How was I seeing this? Were these dreams real or something I made up? I got dressed for the day quickly rushing to the great hall. I ate the food before locating Snape to retrieve my time table. By the time I had finished eating the dream had slipped to the back of my mind. I glanced at my time table grinning, potions first with Gryffindor. I walked to the dungeons taking a seat. I was joined by several people I didn't know making me sigh. I wished I was a fifth year because then Draco and Ron would be in my class. I just wanted to know at least one person in the class.

"Today you will learn about basic care of your potion ingredients then we will work our way into potions specifically. Turn to page one," Professor Snape ordered. I followed his instructions no matter how boring the topic was. The class ticked by slowly and put me to sleep but eventually the class ended. Next, I had DADA with Professor Umbridge. I sat in the front keeping a pleasant smile on my lips as she explained how the class was to run. I could see the disappointment on my classmates' faces as she explained we wouldn't be using magic in her class. Charms was equally dull. I found these classes beneath me as I cast the spells correctly first try. I hated my classes and yet I had to sit through the classes day after day. The only class I minimally enjoyed was Divination while it lasted. The Professor was rather strange but that's why I enjoyed the class. Soon Professor Umbridge fired the divination professor taking that class away. I was disappointed but not surprised, Professor Trelawney was good at teaching the class but not so great at predicting the future on the spot. She could have made up anything and Umbridge would have enjoyed it as long as the prediction was happy but she had to tell Umbridge she was in danger.

"Isabelle," Harry called to me causing me to turn towards him. I was one of few Slytherins that got along with every house.

"Yes Mr. Potter?" I said as he approached me with Ron a few feet away.

"I need your help keeping Umbridge distracted while I teach other students defensive spells," Harry said softly as I frowned at his request.

"But that's what DADA is for," I said as he looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please. You are probably the only student who can get Umbridge to talk to you. You're kinda a teacher's pet," Ron chimed in as I glared at him.

"Just because I'm polite to a professor doesn't make me a teacher's pet Ron," I snapped at him with irritation in my icy blue eyes.

"Isabelle will you help us?" Harry begged as I sighed. Of course they would ask a first year student to do this, it's the Boy Who Lived after all. He never was one to be cautious just ask the troll from his first year.

"Fine but only because I know what Molly would think of this idea," I said as Ron paled slightly before pushing my comment out of his mind. "You better teach me some spells later Mr. Potter." I muttered before heading to find Umbridge. She grinned at me as I walked over to her. "Hello Professor. I was wondering if you need any assistance? I really enjoy your class so I thought I'd offer to help," I smiled at her.

"That's so kind Miss Isabelle. Ten points to Slytherin," she said instantly. "I don't need much assistance but I'd love to have tea with you if you'd like," she murmured. I nodded following Umbridge through the hallways to her office. The cat images on the walls were so adorable.

"Are cats your favorite animal Professor?" I asked as she nodded putting a cup of tea in front of me. I picked the tea up sipping the drink causing Umbridge's smile to grow.

"Why are you really here Miss Isabelle?" She questioned and then I felt the truth serum running through my body urging me to tell her everything. I knew I'd have to be logical about my responses to her questions the truth but not too much.

"We get along well so I thought I could learn from you," I said. Not technically a lie but not the full truth either.

"What do you think of me?" She asked as I frowned slightly at her question.

"I don't mind your class though I wish you hadn't gotten rid of the Divination teacher but I understand why you did," I said simply as she kept a smile on her face. "I know what some of the other students think and they wish you would allow us to use our powers rather than reading from a book."

"I understand the desire to use magic but I cannot allow you to puts yourselves at risk in such a dangerous manor," she said simply as I nodded. I personally didn't disagree with her methods but then again I'm only 12 so I don't know if her method is best. "Now that that is settled. Are you staying at Hogwarts over the holidays?"

"I'm not sure. Professor Dumbledore has me stay with the Weasleys and I'm not sure if they'd want me there over the holidays," I said as her eyes filled with pity.

"That won't do. You are a Slytherin and as a Slytherin we go to lavish parties over the holidays," she said as I looked at her in confusion. "I'm going to have a conversation with Dumbledore about you attending a few holiday parties with me over the break."

"Really?" I gasped as she smiled at me.

"Us Slytherins must stick together," she said softly giving me a wink. "Now I believe you have the feast to get to."

"Yes Ma'am. I'll see you later," I said getting up. I walked out of the room quickly as the guilt raced through me. She cared about me and I was meant to distract her so Harry could break her rules. I took a moment before pulling myself together enough to head towards the great hall.

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