|| Twenty-One ||

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A/n: As you can tell, I lied! Not intentionally, though. I was hoping to have this story wrapped up by the twentieth chapter, but that didn't happen. Therefore, here's chapter twenty-one! Love you all!!!
(Y/n) guided Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis back to the sleeping quarters where she left Prompto only ten minutes ago. Once inside, Death closed the door behind her as the trio wandered over to the sleeping blonde. She was a little surprised to see he was still asleep, but she was glad to see him at peace.

The Horseman's (e/c) eyes traveled between the newly arrived trio with a stern glimmer. "You three should also get some rest. I seriously doubt we'll be attacked here."

"Yes. (Y/n) is correct. We should repose for a short while as we will need our strength in order to obtain the Crystal and flee," Ignis stated as he used his cane to search for another bed. He laid in the one beside Prompto and leaned his cane against the metal bed frame.

"Yeah. Could use a quick nap from all the shit we've been through today," Gladio said as he made his way over to a vacant bed. Before laying down, he eyed (Y/n) sternly. "You got our backs?"

"Yes. Just rest, Gladio. Not like I could sleep if I wanted to," the Horseman sighed, sitting in the chair beside the door. Hearing her resolve, the brute tried to get as comfortable as possible and rest.

Noctis was the last one awake, besides (Y/n), and claimed the bed beside Gladio's. He sat down, but he didn't lay down to rest. Death crossed her arms and legs, peering questionably at her boyfriend. "Can't sleep?"

"Something like that," the boy muttered in response.

Death noticed the intense stare she was receiving from him and snickered. "Just tell me what you want."

"N-No. It's completely embarrassing..." Noctis hid his face with both hands and refused to look at her any longer.

(Y/n) snorted with laughter as she stood up and approached Noctis. She leant down, peeled his hands off his face, and stared into his glistening pools of lapis with a gentle smile. "Tell me the truth, Noctis. I can't help you if you won't talk to me."

Without a word, Noctis' arms snaked around (Y/n)'s waist and he pulled her down onto the bed. A gasp of surprise left her lips as she fell on top of the boy. She tried to roll off of him, but it was impossible with the grip Noctis had on her waist. She placed her hands on his chest and pushed her upper body up. Staring into his lapis eyes, Death's (e/c) eyes narrowed. "There's no way I can't keep a lookout in this position, Noctis."

"Don't care," he responded, resting his head against the pillow.

"And it's freezing in here. I doubt you can sleep with my horrid body temperature added to the equation."

"Don't care," he repeated. "Shut up and let me sleep."

(Y/n) sighed in defeat and remained where she was. One of Noctis' hands slithered up Death's back and to her head. He pushed her head back down to his chest as he closed his eyes. The Horseman rolls her eyes with a faint smile as she turned her head to keep an eye on the door.


After another hour passed, the four boys were all sleeping peacefully. As (Y/n) was enjoying Noctis' embrace, an eerie sound was heard from the hallway. Her head shot up off the sleeping boy's chest at the noise, eyes glued to the door. Death eased her body out of Noctis' arms and quickly but quietly approached the door. She placed her ear against the frigid metal and listened closely. The sound she heard was a mix between a chuckle and a hiss. Then, a familiar odor assaulted her nose. Her eyes widened as her body became petrified.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book One: Death} (Noctis x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now