Chapter 4: Welcome To London

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“Hunter…..Hunter” I felt someone shaking me. 

“If she doesn’t wake up, maybe you should treat her like Snow White and KISS her awake!” I heard Harry say. I quickly opened my eyes. The boys already made fun of me and Lou earlier. I couldn’t even imagine what they would do if we kissed.

“I AM UP!” I shouted. The boys all giggled. 

“Well, sleepy-head, we are here!” Maddie said excitedly. She was hand-in-hand with Harry. They must really like eachother. I was used to Harry being kinda a man whore…but seeing him with Maddie proved me wrong. I just hope he doesn’t do anything stupid and mess it up. I got up out of my seat, grabbed my luggage and we left the airport.

“So…where would you girls like to go first?” Louis asked.

“Hmmmm I would absolutely LOVE to see the famous Larry Stylinson house!” I said excitedly. EVERY Directioner wonders what the Larry house looks like. 

“Same!” Maddie said. I knew she was secretly fangirlling. I was too.

“To our house it is!” Harry said excitedly. I was afraid all he wanted from this trip was to get into Maddie’s pants. Maddie LOVED him. I just hoped he felt the same way about her.

We drove for about 15 minutes from the airport before we turned into the driveway of a big, white house. There was a really pretty garden in the front, with flowers of every color and a little garden gnome in front of some orchids. We got out of the car and started walking up to the house. Louis ran to the garden, and grabbed an orchid, and ran back towards me.

“For you, love.” He said and handed me the flower.

“Awww Lou! How did you know orchids are my favorite?” I asked.

“I didn’t. But it’s pretty and unique, like you. If I wanted to be romantic, I would pick a rose. That and rose thorns kinda hurt…” He explained.

“Well, that’s fine, because I love it!” I replied. He had a relieved look on his face and smiled.

“Oh get a room!” Harry joked. I blushed really bad.

“Why don’t you and Maddie get a room!?” I responded.

“Fine! We will!” Harry said. He picked up Maddie and ran her into the house. I knew he would do this. Except right after that, they popped their heads out of the door.

“So Harry, are we going to do what we were talking about on the plane?” Louis asked. I was confused. What were these two talking about?

“Yes! Hunter, you are coming with me. Babe, you go with Lou. Don’t worry, he’s a good guy.” Harry explained. I hugged Lou and walked over towards Harry. Maddie and me passed eachother and we gave eachother that “I have no idea what’s going on, but just go with it” look. Harry told me to go sit on the couch, and pointed me into the living room. I guess Lou and Maddie were going to stay outside?

‘“So Hunter…how are things?” Harry asked.

“Pretty good. I mean, I got to meet all of you guys and now I’m in you guys house and Louis and I are an item…I think.” 

“Would you say you LOVVEEEEE Louis?” 

“I’ve loved him ever since I saw him sitting on those stairs during The X Factor.” I responded. 

“Lou really likes you. I hope you know that. The entire plane ride here he wouldn’t shut up about how much he likes you and how happy he is that you are here and decided to come with Maddie.” Harry said.

“Speaking of Maddie, I hope she isn’t just a little fling. She really likes you, Harry. I’ve never seen her happier with a guy.” 

“I’m glad to hear that, because I’ve never been happier with anyone else. Maddie is funny, and smart, and listens, and doesn’t care that I’m famous and is herself around me. She doesn’t care what people think about her, she’s beautiful, and the minute I saw her walk into that room at the signing, I was in love. She brightens up my day every time I see her now. I know it’s only been 2 days, but I’ve never liked a girl as much as I like her. I love her more than anything in this universe. Just everything about her makes me smile. I love her smile, it makes me smile. She is the most wonderful girl to be around.” He explained. I was speechless. How did Harry go from a man-whore, to a deep, good future boyfriend?

“That was an insanely cute speech, and I hate to ruin it, but I’m pretty sure you need air to survive…” I joked.

“I don’t. All I need is her.” Harry said with a serious face. 

“Well Haz, I’m glad you say that. I approve of you two dating.” 

“That’s all I wanted. Because you are her best friend. And best friends have to approve of their best friends dating or else the whole relationship doesn’t seem right. Which is why I approve of you and Lou dating. You seem like a nice girl, and Lou has never seemed happier.” He said. I was on a natural high after hearing that. If Harry said he was happy, he HAD to be happy. Him and Louis have a special relationship.

“And with that being said, when do we get to go back to Maddie and Lou?” At that moment, I heard the front door open and Maddie and Louis walked through the door.

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