Chapter 8: What About Us?

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*Maddie’s P.O.V*

It all started with that one Picture Message. The picture message Hunter sent me of her Engagement ring. 

*New Picture Message from Hunter:))*


I was happy for Hunter. I really was. At the time, I was REALLY excited actually. But we will get into whats wrong later in the story.

I walked down the stairs of the Larry Stylinson house.

“Hey Haz, did you hear the news? Hunter and Lou are engaged!” I told him.

“Really? That’s awesome! But you know what that means? Either my babe BooBear is moving out, or Hunter is moving in, and I have to move out.” Harry said.

“Do you think anyone else knows?” I asked.

“I’m sure his parents know, and his sisters. And probably Hunter’s family. But I don’t think anyone else knows…..wait! Louis just tweeted it! Oh boy…” Harry said. Sure enough, Louis AND Hunter had tweeted about their engagement. Now the whole world knows.

“Babe, I’ve been thinking,” Harry started “That maybe, since Lou and Hunter are moving in together, and obviously Hunter isn’t moving back into her house, maybe you should stay here and live with me too?”

“I would LOVE to! I’ll call my mom and tell her to ship my stuff here!”

“Great! I’m pretty sure Lou and Hunter will get their own place elsewhere anyways. Lou has always wanted to move out and get a different house, but he wanted to stay with me so I didn’t destroy anything or hurt myself.”

“Well, now you have ME!” I said cutely. 

“That’s right.”

“You know, I think it’s weird, you and me were all over eachother, happy couple and whatever before Lou and Hunter. And now they are engaged! What about US? Haha” I said sarcastically.

“Well, about that…” Harry said as he stood up. “There was something I was going to ask you, and I WANTED to do it more romantically, but since you brought it up…” Harry drifted off. He got down on one knee, pulled out a ring box, opened it and said “Maddie, will you marry me? It doesn’t have to be soon. But just promise that you will always be mine and maybe in a year or so we will get married?”

“YES OF COURSE!” I squealed. Harry stood up, and I ran and hugged him. He slid the ring on my finger.

“There. You’re mine now.” He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom……

After….that thing, I decided to send Hunter a picture of the ring, tell my mom, whatever.

*New Picture Message to: Hunter:)), Mummie, Daddio*


I also decided to Tweet the pic:

@Maddie_W00d: Guess who is the future Mrs. Styles? @Harry_Styles

Within a few minutes, I had a bunch of replies, some nice and excited, some mean and jealous. Either way, I didn’t care. It was a part of my new lifestyle. And I was ready to embrace it.

*Hunter’s P.O.V*

I was going to be Mrs. Tomlinson. I could not ever get tired of hearing that. And then I got the text from Maddie saying SHE was engaged too! The boys MUST of planned it. Those boys HAVE to do everything together. Maybe they felt like if they didn’t, say Lou proposed to me and Haz didn’t propose to Maddie, maybe the fans would flip out saying that Harry was “broken” because Larry wasn’t real or whatever. Either way, I COULDN’T WAIT TO GET MARRIED!

The day after Maddie and Harry got engaged, BooBear and I flew back to London, and started to look at places to live by ourselves without Maddie and Harry. They should have their alone time, and we should have ours. We found a house not too far away, and the rent wasn’t too much so we got it. It was 2 blocks away from Harry and Maddie’s house. We moved in 2 days after we got back from Paris.

Maddie and I decided to get to know Danielle and Perrie better, since they were the girlfriends of the other boys. The boys all went to Niall’s house while Danielle Maddie Perrie and I went to Maddie and Harry’s house. Maddie cooked us some dinner, and we all got to know eachother more.

“Wait….so Zayn did WHAT?!?” I asked while giggling. We were already becoming really good friends.

“He invited me over to hang out and watch movies on one of our days off, and he told me before not to knock and just walk in, so I walked in, AND HE WAS PEEING WITH THE BATHROOM DOOR OPEN!” Perrie said.

“OH MY GOSH!” Maddie exclaimed. Danielle’s phone vibrated.

“Sooo…guess who decided to do a Twitcam?” Danielle said.

“I mean, I’m just guessing here, but our boys?” Maddie asked.

“Yep! How about we all watch together and giggle at all the cute things they say?” Danielle asked.

“LET’S DO IT!” I shouted. We rushed to Maddie’s laptop and went on to the Twitcam. For a while, it was kind of awkward, but then the boys started answering questions.

“Hmmm this person asked, how Danielle is. Liam? Want to answer?” Niall  asked.

“She’s great! I really love her.” 

“OOH how cute!” Louis joked.

“NEXT QUESTION is from KaitieB123 and she wants to know, Niall, because you are the only single one, are you depressed?” Harry asked.

“Nope, I have a secret relationship with food. But, shhh don’t tell anyone!” 

“And now, this question is from LouisLovesCarrots, nice name she has there, and she says: Harry and louis, I heard a rumor that you guys were engaged to two American girls, 18 years old, from Wisconsin, named Maddie Wood and Hunter Huber. Is it true?” Zayn asked.

“YES! We love them with all of our hearts.” Harry said.

“I can’t imagine what life would be like without Hunter.” Louis responded.

“Next question, is from Whatabeautifulmess, and she asks where our girlfriends are. I can answer for Niall, his girlfriend is at Nando’s being fed to a bald lady in a pink dress.” Louis joked.

“HEY!” Niall exclaimed.

“ANYWAYS!” Zayn said “Our girlfriends are at Harry and Maddie’s house all hanging out together.” That’s when I came up with an idea.

“One of us should tweet them and say we are watching to embarrass them!” I said.

“How about we all do!” Maddie said. We all sent them a Tweet saying we were watching, and we saw their expressions when they read it. They all blushed.

“Well, I guess our girlfriends are watching…” Harry said.

“Well, this is awkward….” Liam said.

“Babe, since you’re watching this, I love you. I can’t wait to call you Mrs. Tomlinson.” Louis said. They talked for a little while longer and then disconnected. When Louis and I got home, I gave him the biggest hug and kiss.

“I love you. More than anything.”  

A Forgotten Love (1D Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora