Chapter 16: Still The One

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*Go listen to Still The One by One Direction while reading. Either go search it on Youtube or click on the video over there >>>>>*

I woke up and was extremely confused.  Where was I? This isn’t my bedroom, and who’s arms were around my waist?

That’s when I remembered everything that happened. Louis saying he loves me, Harry cheating on me, and Louis and me making out. I unwrapped myself from Louis and got out of bed. I looked over to the bedside table and saw my wedding ring. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. I didn’t know what to do with it. Should I get rid of it or keep it? I didn’t even know if I should stay with Harry or not. I saw him leaving her house, but Harry is my HUSBAND for crying out loud. I love him, but Louis and I have chemistry too. Ever since Hunter died, life has just been very confusing. It was almost PERFECT before, Harry and I were happy, Louis and Hunter were going to get married and Ryann and Liam were happy. Now Ryann, Liam, and Hunter are dead and I have to choose between the man I married and the man who has been there for me while I mourned the death of my best friend, and he understood what I was going through because she was his fiancée. Louis said Harry never really thought of me as “marriage material” or “relationship material” but what if Harry just changed? I was really conflicted, and figured it would be best to go home. I left a note for Louis on the bedside table, grabbed my keys and drove home

*Louis’ P.O.V*

Last night was amazing. I woke up and was still smiling. I love Maddie so much. I looked over expecting to see her sleeping, but where she was sleeping was empty. Instead there was a note saying she went home. I figured I’d just wait for her to come back. She had a lot to think over. I went to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV, and saw the story about Harry leaving a girls house was all over the news. Harry is so stupid; he didn’t realize what he had. Still has for the moment, because Maddie and Harry are still married until he gets back from America and they get divorced.

I heard the house phone ringing across the phone and got up and checked the number. It was a restricted number, meaning it was either Harry calling from America, or a prank caller. I was hoping for the prank caller, I can’t explain anything to Harry yet. I had no clue how to tell him that I love his wife.

“Hello?” I asked, praying I wouldn’t hear Harry’s voice.

“Hey Lou, its Harry.” I cursed under my breath.

“Oh hey Harry, how’s America?” I asked.

“I mean, it’s okay but…have you seen the news?”

“Well YEAH I have. Maddie is really hurt Harry. She came to the house crying last night, I had her stay the night because I figured she shouldn’t be alone and had to take her mind off of things.” By making out with me…

“I feel terrible! It was a mistake, I shouldn’t have done it.”

“Harry, cheating isn’t a mistake. You knew what you were doing. Were you drunk?”


“Were you high?”


“Then why in your right mind would you cheat on your wife?!?” I asked angrily.

“I DON’T KNOW. I just did. Ariana and I were having dinner, as friends, and then she just leaned over and kissed me. Then things heated up and it went to full on making out…then further. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

“Harry, do you remember when you told me you never even wanted to be in a relationship with Maddie? Have you even liked Maddie AT ALL in your entire marriage? Or was it all for publicity? Thinking everyone would like you better because you weren’t dating someone famous. That’s what I think happened.”

“Louis, why do you even care? It isn’t your marriage, stay out of it. I can convince Maddie to stay with me, it will be fine.” I hung up the phone. I can’t even talk to him right now.

*Maddie’s P.O.V*

I heard the door open downstairs and my heart jumped to my throat. Harry was home. I didn’t even know what I was going to say to him.

“Babe? Are you home?” I heard him call from downstairs.

“Upstairs!” I screamed back. I heard him run up the stairs, and he burst through the bedroom door.

“Maddie, words cannot explain how sorry I am. It was an accident, I’m truly sorry.”

“An accident? Falling off your bike is an accident. You don’t just accidently fall into a girls pants.” I replied.

“You know what I meant. Maddie, I love you. Please can we just get past this and go back to the way things were?”

“After what Louis told me about you not wanting to take it further with me, I don’t know what to believe anymore. Louis claims to love me, you and I are married, and I just have no clue what to do.”

“Wait…LOUIS WHAT?” he screamed.

“You heard me. Louis said he loves me. He’s been there for me when you haven’t. I don’t know whether I should be with you or him. I’m leaving Harry, I’ll call you later, I just…I need to think.” I grabbed the backpack I had packed full of clothes and ran down the stairs.

“Maddie…wait!” I heard him call after me, him following me down the stairs. I kept moving, ran out the front door.

“Maddie where are you going?!? I asked you something, did you hear me? Where. Are. You. Going.” I heard him say as I walked toward my car. I got in and started the car.

“Maddie, you aren’t going anywhere.” He stood right in front of the car and wouldn’t move. “Look, if you just let me explain, you’ll see how sorry I really am. Please Maddie, do you think I would be continuing to say sorry if I wasn’t?” He asked. It was getting harder and harder to leave, but I knew I had to. I couldn’t let him hurt me anymore. I reversed the car all the way down to the end of the road, and looped around, leaving Harry standing in the road outside our house. His house now.

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