Chapter 6: Paris/Meet The Family

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After one month of walking around London doing tourist things, Louis and I were going to go to Paris and go shopping. Our parents sent us more clothes because we were having so much fun that we decided to stay longer than one month. Maddie was going to go meet Harry’s mom and sister. I walked downstairs and got some cereal. We had been here for a month, so I knew where everything was now. I sat down on the couch and started eating, when Harry ran downstairs chasing Louis. Louis was holding some clothes, and Harry was just wearing a towel around his waist. 

“Give them back Lou!” Harry shouted.

“Neverrrrr!” Lou screamed back. Harry eventually caught up and grabbed the clothes. He ran to the smaller bathroom downstairs and changed.

“That sooo wasn’t cool, Lou! Payback time!” 

“Watcha gonna do, Haz? Try to seduce me with your 4 nipples?” Lou joked.

“That’s it!” Haz said, grabbed a pillow and threw it at Lou and hit him in the face. Louis grabbed the pillow and ran over to Harry and hit him. Harry picked up a different pillow and started hitting him back.

“Ooh breakfast AND a show!” I said excitedly. Harry then turned to me and threw the pillow at me and hit me in the face. It hurt a little, but not that much.

“Oh my gosh, Hunter, are you okay?” Harry asked in a serious tone. Payback time. I picked up the pillow…

“I don’t think so Haz. My head really hurts…” I started walking towards them, acting like I was going to hug Lou. The second I got over there, I started whacking Harry with the pillow. Louis picked him up and pinned him down on the couch, so I could hit him without him running away. I heard footsteps on the stairs.

“What are you doing?” Maddie asked, while laughing. Lou let go and I dropped the pillow.

“Nothing…..” I answered.

“Don’t beat up my boyfriend Hunter! Anyways, your flight is in an hour, you guys should probably leave soon” Maddie replied. I completely forgot about it. I ran upstairs and took a quick shower, got dressed, packed my bags and Lou and I left for Paris.

*Maddie’s P.O.V* 

“Maddie, you ready to meet my family?” Hazza asked me. No. I wasn’t ready. I was really nervous. What if they don’t like me? I had been worrying about this ever since Harry told me he was taking me to meet his mom and sister. 

“I guess. I’m just really nervous.” I answered.

“Don’t be. You’re the only girlfriend I’ve taken to meet them, so they can’t say something like ‘Your last one was better’ or something.” Well, that kinda made me feel better. At least I didn’t really have competition. And I think his family is going to be glad I’m not 32 like Caroline…

“I’ll TRY to calm down. Oh well, let’s go babe!” I said and ran out to Harry’s car.

*Hunter’s P.O.V*

“Babe, you ready to go out and do tourist stuff?” Lou asked me. We had been here for 9 days and have stayed in our hotel for most of it. I was kinda glad to get out of this place for a bit.

“I have never been more ready for anything in my life.” I said excitedly. I grabbed my purse and we walked out of the hotel room and into the elevator. As we got closer to the lobby, I started hearing a bunch of noise. When the elevator opened, a bunch of fans were in the lobby screaming Lou and my name. One girl passed out and the security had to call an ambulance. It was too dangerous for Lou and me to greet fans, so we had to keep walking. The second we got into the car, it felt like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Louis was used to it, but its only been a month and 11 days since I met him, so it was going to take some getting used to. 

Louis was seriously the best shopping partner ever. Like, every time I tried something on, he’d give me his honest opinion on it, and he’d pick out outfits for me. We shopped probably the entire day, and when we got to the hotel I crashed immediately.

*Maddie’s P.O.V*

“Maddie, we’re here.” I heard Harry say. I guess I fell asleep on the way…

“How do I look? Is my hair messed up?” I asked. I wanted to make a good impression…

“You look beautiful. Your hair is fine.” He responded. He got out of the car, and walked over and opened my door.

“Awww Haz, you don’t have to do that!” My heart melted. It was a puddle on the floor of his car. No guy has ever been this nice to me.

“My mom taught me to be a gentleman. I wanted to prove to her I am.” He responded. We walked hand-in-hand up to the door, and he didn’t even bother knocking, opened the door, and walked in.

“MUM WE ARE HERE!” Harry shouted. His sister, Gemma, was sitting down at the table, and his mom, Anne, walked out of some room.

“Harry! It’s good to see you!” Anne said. She walked over and hugged her son. “Hi Maddie. It’s nice to finally meet you.” She gave me a hug too. Harry and I sat down at the table with Gemma and Anne joined us. We talked for a while, and Gemma and Anne asked me and Hazza some questions, like how did we meet and how long we’ve been together. At some point, Harry had to go to the bathroom, and it was just us 3 girls.

“You know, Harry really loves you. I’ve never seen him like that with anyone.” Gemma explained.

“The way he looks at you, you can just see in his eyes how much he cares about you. I approve of you two dating. It seems like he really likes you.” Anne said.

“I hope us two can be really good friends,” Gemma said. “That way we can be best friends BEFORE the wedding!” 

“That means a lot that you approve, Anne. And Gemma, IF me and Harry get married, which I hope will happen, because I REALLY love him, you will be one of my bridesmaids.” I said.

“So watcha girls talking about?” Harry asked as he walked back into the room. “I heard something about a wedding?”

“Oh, you know…..girl stuff….” I replied. We went back to talking about random stuff in our lives, and I had a wonderful time. I love his mom and sister, and I can’t wait to go back.

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