Chapter 13: Welcome Snowball

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*Maddie’s P.O.V* 

It was 3 days until Christmas, and I seriously had no idea what to get Harry. I had already gotten him a bunch of little things, but I wanted to get him something special. Harry has everything he’s ever wanted. He’s living the dream, a world famous singer with THOUSANDS of girls wanting to marry him, and steal my position as his wife. Gosh, I just love saying that. I’M HARRY STYLES WIFE!

One day, Harry and I were eating breakfast when he mentioned a WONDERFUL present idea.

“Hey Maddie, remember my mom’s cat?” He asked.

“Yeah, what about it?” I responded.

“Well, I really miss it. You know how much I love cats…” Harry said slowly. 

“I’m pretty sure everyone on Earth, the moon, and JUPITER knows how much you love cats. Anyways, I will figure something out. Maybe we could go visit your mom on Christmas? You know how much I love your mom.” I said.

“I’m pretty sure everyone on Earth, the moon, and JUPITER knows how much you love my mom!” He said, mimicking me.

“Hey, be nice! I can bring your Christmas presents back to the store!” I shouted.

“Oh gosh, you sound like my mom. I’m sorry, will you forgive me?” He asked, looking at me with puppy-dog eyes.

“Awwh, how could I stay mad at someone as adorable as you!” I said. He smiled, and walked over to kiss me.

“I love you.” He said.

“I love you more!” I said. We always had arguments about who-loved-who more.

“That’s impossible, babe. I love you more than anything in the universe. Without you, my life would be empty.” He said.

“Awwwwh. I love you sooo much babe. See you tonight! Have fun at the studio! Say hi to the boys for me!” 

“Will do. I love you to.” He kissed me, grabbed his coat and left. The second he shut the door, I ran to the phone and called Hunter.

“Hello?” Hunter said.

“HUNTER! I’m driving to your house and picking you up. No time to explain.” I hung up the phone, ran outside into the snow, and towards my car. I may or may not of slipped on the ice and fell on my butt on the way there….

I drove to Louis and Hunter’s house and honked the horn once outside. The very pregnant Hunter slowly walked her way out of the house, trying not to slip, and got into my car.

“You. Explain. Now. What are we doing?” She asked.

“WE are going to go get Harry’s Christmas present, and I’d like you to help me pick it out.” I told her.

“What are you getting him?” 

“Well, he mentioned earlier that he misses his mom’s cat, so I figured I’d get him a kitten, and we could raise it together and what not. Plus, we all know he loves cats.” I explained.

“Awwwh, that’s so cute! I’m due any day, so Louis decided to buy the baby presents. He’s so sweet! Plus, I had to get Louis DOUBLE the presents since his birthday is Christmas Eve.” Hunter said. We chatted as we drove to the nearest pet store.

We walked into the store, and walked straight towards the baby kittens. They were all so adorable! But we had to find one that Harry would like. It was one of those pet stores where they put you in an enclosed area with the pet and let you play with it first, so I picked 3 kittens, and me and Hunter went to play with them. There was an orange one, a Calico, or multicolored, one and a white one with one black spot. The orange one fell asleep, the Calico hid in the corner, and the white one with the black spot walked right over to me and started playing with my hands, purring, and letting me pet it. Me and Hunter both knew this was the one. We brought it up to the guy at the cash register, and paid for her, and put her on hold. 

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