Chapter 7: Eiffel Tower

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*New Text Message from MAD:)*

Hey gurl! How’s Paris? Just met Hazza’s mom and sister a few days ago. SOME OF THE NICEST PEOPLE EVER!


It’s pretty good, we haven’t done tourist stuff, but I bought some new outfits with BooBear’s help! I’ll send you pics l8tr

Maddie woke me up really late. Not like, she was SUPPOSED to wake me up, but I slept really late and her text woke me up. It was already noon. No more staying up late with Lou. I looked over to see if Louis was still asleep, and saw that he wasn’t there. BUT there was a note.

Hey love, at 8 PM a car will pick  you up to meet me. See you at the top! ;) -L 

8 hours. I had to wait 8 hours to see Louis. Fantastic, what was I going to do all day? I decided to respond to some people on my Twitter and Tumblr, maybe check Facebook.

On Twitter, I used to only have 100 followers or so. People I knew and a few Directioners, nothing more. Now, I had 450,347.  All because I was dating Lou. I started to go through some of my mentions and responded to a few.

@Emmie_TheDino: @HunterHuber15 You and @Louis_Tomlinson are too cute! And you are sooo pretty!

@HunterHuber15: @Emmie_TheDino Thanks love, and you are gorgeous, girl.

@Stole_Nialls_Nandos: @HunterHuber15 I’m so jealous of you! You have the best boyfriend ever!

@HunterHuber15: @Stole_Nialls_Nandos He is pretty amazing. But you will find someone equally amazing someday!

@Tommos_Bitch: @HunterHuber15 STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN! @Louis_Tomlinson is M.I.N.E!

@HunterHuber15: @Tommos_Bitch Invite me to the wedding, I’d love to be your maid of honor.

Within minutes, I had 5,000 retweets on that ONE tweet, and 4,001 replies telling me that I had a right to stand up for myself and I was such a good role model. I loved it! 

I went on to Tumblr next. My ask box was FULL and I had a LOT of fan mail. There was no way I’d ever be able to go through it all EVER.

Facebook, I had 3,000 friend requests, and a good majority of my friends had posted on my wall saying things like “Hook me up with Niall!” or “Hey, you me and the boys should hang out!” No. You are using me because i have connections with the boys and you don’t. Like, seriously. By the time I deleted my Facebook, emptied my Tumblr ask box, and responded to as many of the Twitter replies as possible, it was already almost time to go down to the lobby. I quickly sent a tweet, and started getting ready.

@HunterHuber15: So @Louis_Tomlinson has a surprise for me…CANT WAIT TO SEE IT!

Within minutes, I already had a reply.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Babe, I hope you love it xx

Oh gosh, I was so excited! Then I got a text from Louis:

*New Text Message from BOOBEAR<3*

Dress in something fancy, ok love?


got it babe! xx

I went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup while I thought of what to wear. I didn’t bring any fancy clothes! When I went to go look in my bag, I saw a note on Lou’s bag. 

Hey babe, Inside you will find 3 dresses. CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE! -Lou 

Oh gosh, how could I pick? One was strapless and blue, one was a strapless red, and another was a skinny-strapped green. I decided to go with the blue, and put a blue flower hair clip in my hair. I didn’t do that much makeup, I wanted to go with a more natural look. I walked down to the lobby, and when I got there, a man in a suit walked up to me.

“Excuse me, ma’am, are you Hunter?” The man asked me. 


“I have orders to drive you, the limo is outside.” He responded. I was shocked. LOU RENTED A LIMO? I followed the man outside to the limo, and got inside. About 20 minutes later, the limo stopped and the driver opened the door. We were parked in front of the Eiffel Tower. 

“Oh, and I almost forgot. The gentleman who you are meeting gave me this note to give to you” 

“Thank you!” I responded. I opened the note:

Hunter, Meet me at the top! -Lou

I noticed that there was an elevator, so I went to go up in it, but on the button there was ANOTHER note:

You’re going to have to climb if you love me -Lou

I sighed, and started climbing the stairs. I seriously loved him, so I would do what he said. Once I got to the top, tired I might add, I noticed there was a table, with dinner on it. On one of the plates, there was ANOTHER note.

Hunter, turn around. 

I turned around, and looked down to see Louis on one knee in a tux holding a ring.

“Hunter? I know we’ve only known each other for a month, and I know it’s crazy, but I seriously love you, and I won’t be able to find another girl like you ever in my life. Will you marry me?” He asked me. I couldn’t believe it. I thought for a moment, and I seriously loved him, otherwise I wouldn’t of climbed all those stairs, came to Paris with him, went to London with him, or had that pretty beast pillow fight with him and Harry.

“Yes, Louis. I would LOVE to me Mrs. Tomlinson. Forever and Ever babe.” I responded. 

“You just made me the happiest person alive!” He answered. He got up off his knee, slid the ring onto my finger, and we sat down to eat the romantic dinner he had planned for us.

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