Chapter 11: The Tears Stream Down My Face

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Everything was set up for the wedding. The wedding was a week away, and all the boys were home from the tour for 2 months now. Lou helped me plan everything else for the wedding. He didn’t want me to get overwhelmed with it all. He’s so sweet!

We decided to have a little “date” and go to a club, like normal young people. I mean, lets face it, we ARE kinda young to get married. I’m 19, and he’s 20. Most people go to clubs. Maddie and Harry were going to have a dinner date at home, so I called Danielle, Liam, Zayn, and Perrie and invited them to come with us.

Once we got to the club, Zayn and Louis kinda went and did their own thing, and Liam, Danielle, Perrie, and I sat down at a table in the corner, slowly sipping our drinks and waiting for the boys to be ready to leave. As I slowly drank, I noticed Louis going once, twice, three times to the bar. He NEVER drank this much. Usually he had one or two, but three? I had a bad feeling about it. 

Eventually, Danielle Perrie Liam and I were ready to leave, so we figured the boys could find a taxi and come home on their own. On our way out, we ran into Zayn, actually.

“Hunter! There you are! Louis is over there” he pointed toward the ally “I think he might need some help walking to the taxi, he’s kinda drunk.”

“Okay, thanks Zayn!” I responded. I walked toward the ally, and heard a woman talking.

“Louis! You look very attractive tonight!” I peeked around the corner and saw a tall, skinny, blonde girl and Louis. Lou was leaning on the building wall, and next thing I knew, the girl leaned in and kissed him. Hard. And from the looks of it, Louis kissed her back. I couldn’t believe it. If this is what was going to happen when he was drunk, we shouldn’t even bother getting married. I ran to the taxi and told him the address of me and Lou’s house.

*Louis’s P.O.V*

I pushed Jenna off of me. Why the hell would she kiss me?

“Stop it, Jenna. You have a boyfriend. I have a girlfriend. Not only that, but she’s my fiance. We’re getting MARRIED in a week. She’s mine, I’m hers. Put that in your silly blonde head!” I started to walk away.

“Oh yeah, and by the way, those shoes are SO out of style, it isn’t even funny. You might as well be wearing Crocs.” I added. I got into a nearby taxi and told the driver Hunter and I’s address.

*Hunter’s P.O.V*

I ran through the door of our house and started packing. Second time I’ve had to do this, and I was not going to let him stop me this time. I SAW him kissing that other girl. I could not put up with it anymore. Last time, I could understand the friendship excuse. But you do not kiss a “friend” like that. I threw all of my clothes into my backpack, my deoderant, all of my money…everything I needed and could fit in the bag. I wasn’t going back to America, no. Maddie needed me. But I’m not staying in this house. Probably not even gonna stay in London. One of the nearby towns.

I decided to at least leave a note for Lou:

Dear Louis,

I’m sorry. Things just didn’t work out. I don’t know if you’re drunk reading this, I don’t know if you were drunk when you fucked up, but just in case you were, let me tell you what happened. You kissed another girl. Happily. Not even like you didn’t want to. You did it, and it sure looked like you enjoyed it. I saw you. It wasn’t a picture that could’ve been photo shopped. I saw it with my own eyes. I’m sorry, but this is the second time now I’ve felt like you cheated on me, and I can’t take it. Even if you were drunk, imagine if you are drunk while we are married and this happens again? Exactly. This is just how it has to be. I’m sorry. I will always love you. That won’t ever change, but I can’t be with someone who has the possibility of cheating on me. I love you.


I took off my ring and set it down on the bed with the note. I grabbed my bag and ran outside and walked toward my car.

Of course, at that moment, Louis pulled up in a taxi.

“Hunter! Where are you going?” He screamed at me.

“As far away from you as possible!” I screamed back and kept walking to my car.

“WHY! HUNTER! YOU ARE NOT LEAVING!” He screamed. I got into my car and turned the key. Louis walked in front of the car.

“You. Aren’t. Going. ANYWHERE! PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!” He yelled. I turned the car into reverse and backed the car down the road and went the other way. Didn’t think about that, did you Lou?

*Louis’s P.O.V*

I can’t believe she left me. I ran upstairs to go to bed to try and see if this was all a bad dream, when I saw the ring and a note on the bed.

I slowly read the note, and I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to kiss Jenna! No! I love Hunter, NOT JENNA! I had to sleep off this broken heart…

*Hunter’s P.O.V*

One Month. One month since I had last seen Louis. I was watching the news in my apartment in Wolverhampton, when all of a sudden…

“We are back, and now, 5 boys everyone seems to go CRAZY for. ITS ONE DIRECTION!” I felt my heart ache a little bit. Just seeing his face hurt me. He doesn’t love me anymore. I bet he’s with that blonde girl now. They had a little bit of a chat back and forth with the reporters, and then the question I’m sure EVERYONE was waiting for…

“So, how many of you are single?” 

“Me and Zayn have girlfriends, and Harry is engaged. Niall and Louis are single.” Liam answered. Louis wasn’t dating that blonde girl?

“I thought you were engaged as well Louis? Wasn’t your wedding supposed to be a month ago?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Louis answered. I was shocked. I felt really bad. All of a sudden, I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and puked. I stayed in the bathroom all day, because every time I puked, I didn’t want to move after, and then I had to puke some more and whatever.

Just then, I looked over and saw a blue box. That’s right. A box of tampons. I counted back a few days. I missed my period. Not once, but twice. I sank to the ground in shock.

I was pregnant. And the only person I had ever had sex with, was Louis.

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