Chapter 12: The Big Day

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It was the day. A very big day. Maddie and Harry were getting married. I was 8 months pregnant with a HUGE baby bump. I happened to know for a fact we were having a girl. I know Louis always wanted a boy, but…guess not this time.

Maddie got to stay in her house to get ready and Harry went to one of the boys houses. I went the long way so I could avoid Lou’s house. I walked up to the house, the house that started it all, and rang the doorbell. The orchids were still in front of the house in the same spot. Maddie opened the door…

“OH MY GOSH! HUNTER! You have quite the baby bump now!” She said. “Come in!”

“You ready to become Mrs. Styles?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“YES OH MY GOSH! I’ve been waiting for this for over a year! It’s every Directioners dream! AND I GET TO LIVE IT!” She said. I had a dream too. A dream to marry Louis and live happily ever. But then I saw him kiss the girl and I over-reacted. I wonder what it’s going to be like seeing him today.

“You’re a very lucky girl, Maddie. Every girl on the planet wants to be in your position.” I responded. We went to her room and grabbed her dress, her curler, and some makeup. Then we drove to the chapel in Cheshire where they were getting married.

I got into my bridesmaids dress, while Maddie did her makeup and hair. Her other friends Emily, Indira, and Harry’s sister Gemma walked into the room in their dresses (that matched mine, they were the other bridesmaids) and started to do their hair and makeup too. I could see Maddie started to look really nervous.

“Madd, you okay?” I asked.

“I’m just nervous. Like, what if Harry is having second thoughts? Why would someone as funny, good looking, sweet, and just straight up PERFECT as Harry want to marry someone like ME?” She asked.

“Maddie, I mean it when I say this. You are perfect too. You’re straight up HYSTERICALLY funny, you’re one of the nicest people I know, and you’re flawless. Harry would be stupid to leave you.” I responded.

“Awwwwh, HUNTER!!!” She got up and hugged me.

“Careful, don’t ruin that masterpiece of a face you got there!” I said.

“You’re going to make me cry oh my gosh…” She said. There was a knock on the door.

“Knock knock! Who’s there? Oh, it’s just us!” Liam said as he popped his head in the door. Oh geez…

“Hey Liam! The other boys here too?” Maddie asked.

“Everyone but Harry and Louis….” Niall said as he walked in. Zayn followed behind.

“Are they here?” I asked nervously. To think I was in the same building as Lou….


“Uhmm….Louis is…..” I answered nervously.

“Oh gosh….well this is quite the surprise….does Louis know?” Zayn asked.

“No….I figured he’d find out here.” I answered. I was supposed to meet up with him to walk down the aisle together at the top of the aisle.

“How far along are you?” Niall questioned.

“8 months….” I answered slowly.

“Oh gosh….” Liam answered. The boys left and went back to calm Harry’s nerves.

5 O’ clock. It was 5 O’ clock. Time to walk down the aisle. Maddie was walking down with her good friend from home Gage, and I was walking with Louis. I tried to calm myself before, but the baby kept kicking and it didn’t really help. I walked down the hall with Maddie and Gage, and then I saw Louis. He looked really surprised when he saw me. 

“Hi Louis….” I said.

“You’re pregnant…..” He said.

“Guess who the dad is….you.” I said nervously.

“Wow… far along?” He asked.

“8 months. We’re having a girl.” I responded.

“Wow…..that’s just… Look, Hunter. I’m really sorry. I didn’t want to kiss her. She kissed me and I was to drunk to really push her off. I messed up, I should’ve never even talked to her in the first place. I’m really, truthfully sorry.” He said.

“No, I’m sorry I over-reacted.” 

“You had every right to be mad. But can we get back together? For my sake, your’s, and our daughters?” He asked.

“Yes. Breaking off our engagement was the biggest mistake I ever made.” I answered.

“Well, I have your ring here….” He said. He took out the ring and slipped it back on to my finger. Guess the wedding was back on.

“Now, let’s go watch our best friends get married.” I said. We walked down the aisle and shortly after, Maddie and Gage followed. Maddie was stunning. Gorgeous. Beautiful. too many adjectives to explain, I bet all of her ex-boyfriends are kicking themselves for letting her go. Harry had the biggest smile on his face. He knew he was a lucky man. 

Maddie was officially Madison Leigh Styles. I knew she couldn’t be happier.

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