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As soon as we walked into the dining room we heard the rumours. It felt like every boy was muttering to his friend and none more than Thomas. He stood up:

"Hey Amy! Regretting your choice of Anchemi now?" I didn't think. I just put my tray down on our usual table and, followed by my Anchemi, walked over to Thomas and his cronies. I didn't think. I didn't hesitate. I just punched him on the jaw. I said loudly, so the whole hall could hear.

"That was for Striker, the newest member of our Anchemi."

Thomas laughed. "A dragon? A dragon who doesn't even have a rider? Big deal,".

I smiled. "We now have all the elements in the school in our Anchemi. Do you have that? And as for Striker? He has more brains than all of your Anchemi put together,".

I turned on my heel, tossed my hair and walked away with the others. As we sat down at the table, Adam smiled at me.

"Nice one Amy"

I felt butterflies in my stomach. Barney gave me a knowing look before we all started chatting about our next lesson.

We hurried out to Training Field A as the bell tolled. We all stood in the middle of the field as the teacher strode up. He had yellow eyes and a loud, bellowing voice.

"Hello Class. I am your Dragon Training Instructor". He smiled. "And today you will be learning how to fly your dragons. The war has intensified so we need more riders. You could be on the battlefield in a month's time! Mount up!".

I placed my foot on Electra's claws and used the spines running up her legs to clamber up before grabbing the spikes on her neck and pulling myself up. Then I slid up the neck until I was just behind the head and grabbed her horns.

"Ready sir"

He smiled again. "Good work Amy. Once you have learnt how to fly we will practice banking, flying vertically and gliding. But first: to get you all into the air,".

My whole Anchemi was mounted. Striker stood with them, staring up at the sky with interest. I mindlinked with him:

Can you fly?

No, but I am ready to learn

I laughed as the teacher started explaining to us what to do: "Right then! Dragons, flying is something you should all be able to do. Some legends say this is what you were born to do, to fly through the sky under the command of the Queen of the Dragons"

I flushed. He stared at me and then carried on:

"To fly, you first need to run. There is a long stretch if concrete here. You need to run along, getting faster and faster before leaping up in the air and flapping your wings. Count to 3 and flap your wings again, trying to get higher. Dragon Queen, you might want to activate your team's armour, it will keep them warm when they fly higher. As for the riders, true Dragon Rider's do not need saddles or reins. There is a spot between the head and the neck which is where you have all sat. Do not move from this position. Finally, kick your leg into the side of your dragon to command it to turn a particular way. Communication is Key! Amy and Electra, you go first"

As we walked to the start of the concrete I spoke quietly to the teacher:

"Please don't call me Dragon Queen or Queen of the dragons,".

He chuckled quietly and spoke, so softly I had to lean closer to hear him. "If you don't accept your title, the Dragon King will win. Teaming up with Liam is the only way to overthrow him,".

I just looked at him. Teaming up with Liam is the only way to overthrow him. What did that mean? Why would I want to overthrow him?


Yes Electra?

You ready?


I felt the muscles in Electra's neck bunch up as she stretched it out and started to run. She increased her speed, until she was racing flat out; she reached the end of the tarmac and with a push:

We were flying!

I could feel the wings as they pumped fast and hard. I whooped, this was incredible! We soared through the air, Electra quickly learning how to catch the wind currents for easy gliding. Behind me, my Anchemi slowly rose up behind me and together we looped around each other, each dragon learning their own unique style of flight, from Cedar who was rapidly flapping his wings to Atlas who lazily flapped his wings, his broad wings cutting slow, powerful strokes through the air. Artic flapped rapidly, before slowing his wing beats to an nice even pace. Furnace and Striker seemed to have similar styles, raising their wings high in the air before bringing them down hard, creating a powerful downdraft. Electra seemed to have the most elegant flight, gently yet powerfully bringing her wings up and down, tilting the tips to adjust her flight speed. As we soared through the air, my Anchemi forming into an upside down V shape:

                                                   Furnace                 Artic
                                         Cedar                 Striker             Atlas

As we flew Adam and Furnace glided forward until they were next to Electra and I and Adam called:

"Hey Amy! What's that's down there"

I looked down and breathed out: "No it can't be!" Together my Anchemi and I swooped down towards the ground.

And on the ground was a navy blue dragon.

I can't believe we've reached 1K in reads! I only published it in Early August! Now, I do have some questions. Please, please, please could you answer, I do find your feedback useful and I am willing to dedicate chapters to people who reply to all of them! The questions are:

Do you feel sorry for Phantom and why?

Do you agree with Amy's choice to keep Striker even though he is riderless?

Who is your favourite human character so far?

Who is your favourite dragon so far?

Which chapter is your favourite in the whole book?

Do you like the pace of the story - is it too slow or would you rather I speed it up a bit?

Do you like all the plot twists?

Once I have finished this book, if I did a sequel, would you read it?

Please comment (and vote if you enjoyed the chapter)


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