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Being in this house with Amira is driving me nuts. Every time I get a new girl she always trying to throw salt on my damn game. I hope she knows this does not look good on a girl. Especially if they know her as my sister. Who gives a damn about how she feels. She about to make me snap on her. Dad don't know what's going on so we keep a tight seal on this. I can't lie she fine as hell and I do have feelings for her but what will this prove? My mom been dead now 6 years.

They still ain't found that nigga Jason. I'm tempted to look myself and blow his brains out. But I will put more stress and agony on my parents. Mama Lisha has grown to be so loving to me. I mean she should after all the hell she caused. Dad pretty much give me what I want. I don't ask for it but he still does it. Amira is spoiled rotten too. I got a date tonight and have been trying to keep it from her. But she goes through all my shit without asking and so she knows my business. I've been said I would change my passwords but I keep forgetting.

"Time for breakfast guys. Come on down." Mom called out.

I bet this crazy girl downstairs being nosey as usual. I came down the steps and what did I find? Amira going through my shit once again.

"Can you stay the hell out my shit please?"

"Hey hey watch your mouth in this house boy."

"Mom it's not fair. Amira does this all the time."

"Amira you can't be going through your brother things." Dad blurted out.

"Dad first of all he's not my brother and second if I don't who will?" Amira said.

"Nobody cause I'm a grown man and I need my privacy." Kwan said.

"Since when you are you grown nigga?"

"I been grown and you gonna respect me too."

"And if I don't?"


"Amira don't do that shit. How would you feel if he went through your things?"

"Dad he does."

"Well how about this both of you need to respect each other. Stop going through each other things." Alonzo said.

"Right." Mom said.

"You two have been arguing for the last week. I don't know what have gotten into you but you need to straighten it. Now come eat your breakfast."

"You're gonna be late to school. "

"Are you driving today Amira?"

"No I'm riding with you."

"And what makes you think I want you riding with me?"

"Cause I feel like it that's how." Amira said.

"Man if you riding then you need to come on." Kwan said standing up.

"Why you leaving so early?"

"Cause I got something to do."

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