Having the Babies

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Few months later

As we was getting ready for our day I felt a lot of pain than usual. I didn't think it was nothing so I kept on getting dressed. Kwan came and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Amira said.

"So how are my babies?"

"I'm fine and they're kicking my ass this morning."

"All babe don't say that they just playing in there."

"Nah don't you say that. I have been in pain all morning."

"What kind of pain?"

"A lot of pain. It kind of feel like I got to take a shit times 20."

We both laughed.

"Well have you talked to mama to see if it's time?"

"Nah I ain't. You know we still ain't seeing eye to eye."

"Yeah but she's your mom and she can help you."

"Nah I'll ask dad. He's a doctor and he can check me really quick."

"True but I really think y'all should squash this shit for the sake of my kids man."

"I'm willing to it's her. And frankly I don't give two fucks if she's even there."

"And why the hell not?"

"Cause I don't need no negative vibes around me." Amira said.

"Well I can understand that point but babe that's still your mom and the grandma to our kids. Do you know how many times I wish I can bring my mama back? But I can't. I can't even introduce her to you as my girl or my kids. That shit hurts yo."

"I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to get you in your feelings about this."

"Well do this favor for me. Get that shit right before you have the kids." He said rubbing her stomach.

"Ok fine after daddy check me I'll go talk to her."

"Thank you baby."

Kwan leaned down and kissed me passionately.

"I love your big head ass."

I slapped his chest and said "I love you too baby."

I walked in my parents room and spoke to them.

"Hey mama and daddy."

"Hey baby girl." my daddy said.

"Daddy can you check me? I've been hurting really bad and it feels like I have to go to the bathroom very bad."

"Oh wow lay on the bed. You may be in labor."

"Oh my daddy are you serious?"

"Yeah Baby it is."

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