After Sex

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We drove home holding hands and listening to music. I can't believe I just went all the way with Kwan. This brings our relationship to a whole different level. We are officially a couple now. Mom and dad don't know anything. This is gonna be hard to keep pulling off. As we pulled in the garage Kwan let my hand go.

"Listen baby please keep this together. Since you don't want to tell dad yet let's just keep our little act up. Can you handle that now that we you know?"

"Yeah I think I can."

"Look Amira I don't need you to think. You got to know."

"Yeah I got it."


Kwan leaned in and gave me the most passionate kiss. As we pulled apart he looked me in my eyes.

"I love you Ma."

I blushed and said "I love you too."

We got out the truck and walked in. Mom and dad was sitting on the sofa all hugged up.

"Hey wassup mom and dad."

"Hey baby. How was school?"

"Well it was very interesting."

Mom patted the cushion next to her and said do tell.

"Well theres this boy that I've been crushing on. He finally asked me for my number." Amira said.

"Oh and who is this boy?"

"His name is Chris Coley."

I looked at Kwan and he was turning red. Of coarse he blurted in.

"And I stopped that right here too."

"And why you did that son?" dad asked.

"Dad I'm not about to let these wanna be playboys talk to her hell nah."

"Boy watch your mouth." my mom said.

"Sorry mom. But it's facts."

"Yeah I can see you being protective." dad said.

"And you already know."

"And let's not forget about the little chicken head that tried you Kwan." Amira said as a matter of fact.

"Oh there's a girl too?" dad said.

"Yeah dad we can talk about that later."

Dad winked his eye at Kwan.

"Oh no. Why I got to talk now and you later?"

"Cause I can. I told you I'm grown."

"And I'm not?"

"Man go on with that bullshit now Amira."

"Kwan. Stop with the language." Mom said.

"Mom I can't help it. That's how I express myself."

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