Date Night

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It's Saturday and I'm definitely not in the mood to go on this date with Megan. I know Amira is amp about it but I'm not. I feel we just need to tell the truth about the relationship. It's not like we really kin. I'm like damn what sense does this really make? You want your nigga to go out with another female because you feel that dad isn't gonna accept us. The hell you mean? I told her I would protect her from everything. And to me I feel she feels I won't . But I will. I called Megan to see what she wanted to do. She talking about going out to eat and to the movies.

I figured that shit cause she wants to be seen on my arm. I told that girl she don't need to do all that. She could've ate dinner at my house and watched a movie on Netflix and we got a theater here. Oh no she didn't want to do that. Too much personal attention she said. But little do she knows I'm not going out with her. I'm not about to make people think she's my girl cause she is definitely not that. A knock on my door knocked me out of my thoughts.

"Come in."

In comes Amira.

"Hey baby. What's up?"

"Hey Kwan. So you ready for tonight?"

"No I'm not."

"And why the hell not?"

"Cause I don't see the point in this."

"I do Kwan and that's making her keep her mouth closed."

"I can chill with her right here."

"And you will not be doing that."

"Why man shit."

"Kwan why you got to be all sensitive about this situation? This is not something to be playing with."

I walked over to Amira and sat down in front of her.

"Baby this is really stupid to me."

"Just do this for me."

"Man come on. I can have a man to man talk with dad and call this a day."

"I told you no."

"Fuck man this is fucking stupid yo."

Before Amira could respond she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I heard her in there emptying out all she had on her stomach. I walked in.

"Mira are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine." she said as she rinsed her mouth out.

"Babe I think you should go to the doctor seriously."

"Kwan my parents are doctors. They can see about me."

"I'm trying to figure out what is wrong with you."

And then it hit me fuck did I get Amira pregnant?

"Mira baby can I ask you something?"

"Yeah what?"

"When the last time you had a cycle?"

"Why you asking that?"

Undecided (The Trilogy Of Deception) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt