Samon x Reader

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R/n = Random name

'Shit shit SHIT I'm gonna be late again' you thought as you raced towards the building that you worked at. Once inside you made your way towards the office were all the guards did their work including the supervisor. You were about to open the door and hand covered your mouth and started to drag you away making you drop your things as well.

Samon POV

I was in the middle of trying to get Inori to  do his work when I heard a noise outside of the door. When I looked I saw that it was one of my guards things. The only female guard in this building. I look to see a dark figure moving away and I Began to follow them.

Your POV

You were pushed into a wall and before looking at who it was you heard his voice and knew exactly who it was.

"Why are you a guard. your so weak. Just leave. a little girl doesn't belong in a place like this."

Turning around you looked up at R/n and before you could say anything you were pushed into  the wall again and it was hard enough to make you fall on the ground.

"Your pathetic. just leave already"

You felt tears pricking your eyes that you had covered by your bangs. Like you always did. Just then R/n went flying through the roof and there stood the supervisor.

"I need to have a talk with him about respect"

He turned his attention towards you.

"Are you okay?"

You just nodded. He gave you a look before reaching his hand out. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you up.

"Officer l/n go to the training grounds before you leave today I need to talk to you."

You were suprised that he knew your name. You nodded again and before he left he gave you the things that you had dropped.

Time skip because I'm lazy

You were currently on your way towards the training grounds when you heard fighting. You see  your supervisor and a inmate with black hair sparring. Within a few seconds the male was on the ground.

"That's all for today no. 2 "

When he was gone your supervisor turned to you and beckoned  for you to come closer. You did as told.

"What did you want to talk about supervisor."

"Y/n please call me Samon"

You nodded and he continued.

"I was wanting to know if you would like to learn self defense."

This confused you

"I talked to the guard from earlier and he said he wouldn't do it again but I honestly doubt that he was telling the truth. I want you to kick his ass next time but I know that you don't know self defense after all you were trained to bandage would and cuts. ."

"Okay I understand that. I would like to learn it but who will teach me."

"I will. Let's start now "

He backs up and you nod. He runs towards you and within seconds your on the ground. You do this for a few minutes and every time you end up on the ground.

"I think you would do better if you didn't have your hair in your face"

He says as he helps you up. He takes of your hat and moved your bangs. He blushed a deep shade of red before saying.

"Why so you keep your hair in face"

"I'm self conscious about my face is all"

"Well keep your bangs out of your face it will help"


"Go home we will continue tomorrow"

As you wave goodbye you make your way back to your housing unit. You got ready for bed and fell asleep.

When you got up the next morning you grab some barrettes that had small f/a on them. You leave and made your way towards work but before going into the building you heard the voice of r/n.

"Hey there you are you little shit. Thanks to you I got in trouble yesterday"

As you turn around r/n stopped in his tracks and gave you a weird look. The rest if the day all you got were weird looks from both guards and inmates. Just before lunch Samon asked if you would like to grab something to eat. You accepted and both of you left. You didn't notice the glares Samon was getting. After a few months you were with Samon catching lunch with the monkey.

"Hey y/n"


"Do you like anyone"

Your face went red and you thought about your crush on the male in front of you.

" Yes I do like some one"


You stayed quiet and he sighed.

"Hey do you wanna come over for dinner tonight"  (if someone changed the topic on me that quick I'd go go bitch wtf

"Sure when should I come over"

"Sometime between 7 or 8 and wear something casual"

Time skip

You arrive wearing f/c shoes, black leggings and your favorite anime hoodie.

You had a fun time and it ended with Samon confessing his love for you. You did the same. Everyone else was surprised that you two liked each other and some were heart broken but you had your happy ending and that was all you cared about.

864 words

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