when they see you cry.

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Jyugo: he is really awkward about love stuff but is very comforting and will stay with you all day. He won't escape at all which let's Hajime know that something is wrong with you.

Nico: will get you anything you need or want. He also tones his hyperactive butt down.

Uno: he'll kiss you and hug you for hours on end.

Rock: will try his best to make you laugh. Just to make you smile.

Musashi: gives very warm hugs. He can't see you cry but hears you.

Tsukomo: drops the ninja act immediately and holds you.

Liang: he'll gently talk to you and give you his full attention.

Upa: full blown cuddle mode.

Qi: he bring you your favorite flowers and tea. He'll give you hugs and wipe away your tears. Upa and Liang learned that if he's doing this, not to fuck with you. It either means your sad, sick, or on your period. They tried to bully him when you were on your period and you snapped.

Trois: says very sweet things to you in French

Honey: he will have kiji get you anything that will make a lady feel better. Cake, food, anything.

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