Kenshiruo x sick reader

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I almost forgot about dog~chan

You felt terrible. You didn't even had the strength to call in sick. You could barely move. You had been on your couch since last night. After changing out of your guard uniform, you fell asleep on the couch. When you woke up, everything hurt. After some how manging to drag your self to the bathroom you crawled back on the couch and didn't move. You were about to pass out when you heard your supervisor's and crush's voice.

"Y/n are you okay"

You heard him knock before he said this.

"I don't feel good kenshiruo I wouldn't come in"

He ignored what you said and came in anyway. When he saw you he immediately ran to your side. He looked really worried.

"Y/n are you okay?what's wrong"

"I'm sick and I'm fine, now leave before you get sick too"

"Y/n you were too weak to call in sick, your not fine. When was the  last time you ate, had any water."


"Water or food?"



"Don't yell your going to give me a headache"

"Y/n I'm going to take you to your room"

You tried to protest but he ignored you and picked you up. You noticed that he wasn't wearing his guard uniform.

 You noticed that he wasn't wearing his guard uniform

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(That's what he's wearing)

When you got to your room he put you down on the bed and turned to leave. You felt really tired and closed your eyes. You heard his footsteps return and you opened your eyes again. He had a glass of water. He helped you sit up and gave it to you. After finishing it you set it down on the table and got comfortable. You passed out.

Time skip because nobody gives a fuk about your dreams.

After waking up you didn't expect Kenshiruo to still be there but surprise surprise he still was.

"Your awake good, I want to take your temperature."

As you sat up he bent down and rested his forehead against yours. Making you blush.

"Your temperature is a little high"

He disappeared out of your room leaving you alone with your thoughts.'The hell' when he returned he had a plate of food it looked good but the smell made you gag. You turned away from it and covered your mouth.


"..... I can't eat anything or I'll throw up..."

"You haven't had anything since yesterday. You need to try to eat something"

"I can't I'm sorry"

He frowned but took the plate away. When he came back he had some Tylenol and a glass of water. I take Tylenol whenever I have a fever I don't know what you guys actually take. After finishing this you stood up a began to walk to the bathroom. But you were still to weak so you fell. You closed your eyes and waited for the ground but you never hit it. When you opened your eyes you saw that Kenshiruo had caught you.

"Y/n your still to weak to walk"

He picked you up and took you back to the front room (you can call it whatever you want I just call it the front)

"I'm going out for a little bit"

'why does he think I care'

After he left I crawled to the bathroom and back. ' I hope I'm not going to be sick for along time'

After a couple of days in Kenshiruo's care you got better.  You also got closer to him. After talking for a while you learned that his crush on the warden had died.

"Y/n I need to check your temperature"

After he rested his forehead on yours you just stared into his eyes. The space between you two quickly vanished as you were pulled into a kiss. You closed your eyes as you felt him cup your face. As you pulled away from him he had a different look in his eyes.

"Was your mouth hot before?"

"Are you regretting not checking earlier?"

"Maybe I'm just glad your not sick anymore"


He pulled you down on him as he layed down after shifting around for a bit you both got in a spooning position. You both talked until you agreed to be his girlfriend. When got to work the next day your workspace was covered in get well cards. Apparently hitoshi found out you were sick and did this by himself.

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