Battle of the Bands [Bands AU]

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An au brought to you by me and SpiritIgloo329

thank you to those who helped us name the bands! if you want to see the book version of it, tell us in the comments below! If ot gets atleast a single yes, go to SpiritIgloo329's acc when i say its released ;)

also, this is just a teaser of some sort


   Battle of the Bands poster were scattered throughout the school halls. It has been going around for quite awhile now, almost everyone atleast have heard a word about it. The news spread so fast like lightning and inspired teens - freshmen to senior - with a huge crash. Even the highschool's meanest jocks.

   Ram and Kurt, looking at a crumpled poster on their hands, planned on creating a band together. It's not that they want to, it's just a way to increase popularity for the girls. Since Ram always wanted to learn the bass and Kurt had a drumset back at home that he doesn't really use, it would be a great opportunity in this situation. Now that they thought about it, it wasn't enough to be two people in one band.

   "Bro, we should find another dude." Ram spoke with a dumb voice as his lips never failed to curl into a grin. "Just one, three's a crowd after all." He added, looking at the young man beside him. The football players have been contemplating whether they should enter the contest as a pair but they has doubts. A band must atleast contain three members to be worthy of the name after all.

   Putting aside Twenty Øne Pilots, they wanted someone good enough to be an actual new member of the band. Maybe a lead singer? Choosing a lead singer is like choosing a mascot for your restaurant. He's the face of the show, the spotlight of the stage. Me and Ram can be the founders or something, Kurt thought through a grin. "Kurt!" Ram called his friend who seemed like he was lost in thought. He just hoped the quarterback was thinking of a plan, not daydreaming about some cheerleader or what not. He was about to say something but instead closed his mouth shut when the latter's face seemed to brighten up.

   Kurt looked at Ram, reciprocating his friend's grin. "I got it dude." He mumbled, "all we need is a lead singer." Brown eyes stared into metallic black ones. The two knew they were on the same page and on the right train. Except a hint of confusion flickered on Ram's gaze. "...a lead singer that can rock everyone's balls with a guitar."

   That was when the two of them smirked in agreement. There was one problem though. Who? It shouldn't just be anybody. "Bro, we need the best voice we could get!" Ram exclaimed hoping Kurt knows anyonethat fit the category, but his mind had nothing. The clueless face Kurt had made Ram sigh.

   This would be harder than they thought it would be. Hearing the bell ring, the two decided to walk their way to class, still pondering and thinking.

   Class was indeed torture. The third semester has barely began and the examinations just ended a week or two ago, but apparently for teachers, it was no excuse for them to go easy on their students. That thought itself made Ram sigh heavily as he stared at the pen he was playing with. He turned to Kurt whose eyes were almost a shut. He quickly poked his bestfriend's thigh before the teacher saw him and saved him from another detention.

   As the time passed, the teacher was still blabbering non-sense to the class. Kurt and Ram almost had their heads falling to their desks. "Why wouldn't the bell ring already?!" Ram complained in the most quiet voice he could do. Then that's when the bell rang, making the entire class jump in excitement. "Don't forget the homework!" The teacher yelled but almost the entire class were gone.

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