Insomnia and Instagram stalking pt. 2

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Karma rocked back and forth, hugging his knees tightly to his chest. No, this wasn't supposed to happen, not here. A dinner party was not where he wanted to freak out. His life was already a mess when he was alone, he didn't need it to fall apart out in the open.

The sound of approaching footsteps only triggered another spasm, and his breathing became even more ragged than before. Karma felt as if he'd just run three marathons in the blistering heat. Someone knocked on the door lightly, perhaps with the back of their hand.

He panicked.

This person didn't seem angry, judging by the way they rapped against the door. But it didn't matter, because Karma only shifted and pressed himself farther into the corner. Using the most composed voice he could muster, he lifted his chin and called out.

"W-who's there?" He tried his best to ignore the way his voice cracked at the end. Someone clicked their tongue in annoyance.

"Are you the Akabane kid who ran off? Because if you are, your parents are looking for you." Karma swallowed. So they had noticed his disappearance after all. Wonderful.

"I'll be right out." The person walked off, and Karma realized he was shaking like a leaf. He stood up slowly, using the toilet as support. He looked himself over in the mirror, and he was ashamed to admit, but he was a complete mess, even after only only crying and hiding for a few hours. 

He sighed.

His tie was crooked, and his hair was tussled awkwardly to the left. His eyes were red and puffy, and the tears that were still streaming down his cheeks left wet trails. Karma shuddered at the thought of his parents seeing him like this. He wouldn't care, if it weren't for the fact that they were in public, and it would be bad for their reputation as the Akabanes.

Not that Karma cared much for that, either, but the mental beat down from his parents that he'd receive later wasn't worth it. They were barely around, but when they were, Karma always felt like more of a disappointment. If only he'd have been born a normal person, and not some weirdo delinquent. He was born into the wrong family, although he wasn't sure if there was a right family.

Giving one more pass at his hair with the spare comb he found in a cabinet, Karma sighed and headed down to the main room where the party was being held. He put on his best 'I wasn't just crying like a loser' cocky smile, and entered the room. 

Everyone froze and looked at him. Even the band seemed to play quieter.

He smirked.

"All eyes on me, am I right?" He shrugged and cocked his head to the side. He was a different person. His father spoke up.

"Where have you been." It sounded more like a statement rather than a question in his monotone voice. He as cold. But Karma was colder.

"In my room, avoiding this awful party. It's so boring, I don't understand how people can say they enjoy these." He paused momentarily, letting it sink in. "Oh, I guess they have to souls as bland and bitter as yours . I bet you're sucking the life out of them right now."

Murmurs swept the room like wildfire, and soon everyone was talking about how disrespectful he was. Karma felt pride swell up inside him. At least he could do this right. He decided he could keep pushing.

"I mean, they're only here so you show off your money. You're always like, 'oh, look, I bought my fifteenth car today, even though I'm barley ever home and able to use it.' Makes perfect sense to me."

He saw the colour drain from his father's face, and the murmurs went out like a dying fire. His mother stepped forward, and Karma knew he was in for it. But he had too much pride to back down. So with every step she took, he mimicked, until they were standing two feet apart, face to face.

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