...Happy Birthday?

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I will not forget, I will not forget-

He forgot.

It wasn't Karma's fault, alright? Neither he nor Nagisa really make a big deal of their birthdays. (Especially Karma, he instead spends his time brooding like a three year old who got a gift they didn't like because his parents are never home to celebrate it with him.) So you have to excuse Karma for not remembering, because sometimes he forgets birthdays are a thing. 

Now, this might not have been so bad, since Nagisa is normally pretty chill about his birthday, except Karma may or may not have promised him that he'd get him the best gift in the world and that he'd make his fourteenth birthday unforgettable- and then promptly forgot about it. So when Nagisa had been practically buzzing with excitement when he arrived at school, and Karma found it funny, since he was normally pretty calm.

"Nagisa sure is excited about his birthday, huh, Karma?" Kayano had asked him after he chuckled at the odd sight. She had never seen him so excited about anything before, except the times that they were able to get some damage on Koro-sensei.

"Yeah, he is excited about his birthd-" Karma's brain decided that that was the right moment to jar his memory and remind him of his promise. "Shit."

"Did you say something, Karma?"

"NOPE! NOT AT ALL! Now, I'm going to go to the washroom, because, uhh, YEAH! Bye Kayano!"

She stared at him quizzically as he retreated, laughing awkwardly as he went. He was sweating profusely, nervous and stressed and oh-my-god-I-forgot-Nagisa's-birthday.

And so, he had spent the rest of the school day coming up with (bad) excuses and telling Nagisa that he would have to wait until the end of the day to get his surprise. Too bad his surprise was nothing, because apparently Karma was the worst boyfriend on the planet, and possibly the entire universe.

It was a good thing Koro-sensei was a decent human being(?) though, because he at least made sort of a big deal about it. He showered Nagisa with streamers and let him take three whole shots at him while staying relatively still. Nagisa had managed to take of a tentacle, and was showered with praise from his classmates.

So, re-cap: Karma sucks and is horrible at coming up with excuses. On top of that, the bell that signals the end of the day was due any minute now, and, well, Karma was regretting every single decision that he had made. He could've skipped class, gone home and at the very least baked him a cake! (But then he would've missed all of the cute side glances Nagisa had been throwing him all day.)

The bell rang at last and Karma's fate was sealed. Practically skipping over to Karma, Nagisa smiled brighter than a thousand stars. Karma felt the guilt crash down on him like a tsunami, and he rallied the best excuse that he could muster.

"It's the end of the day now, Karma!" Nagisa exclaimed, the excitement never leaving his voice.

"It is," Karma strained. Could he really lie to him? Maybe he should just come clean... and crush Nagisa's dreams? Nope. Karma was going to dig his grave.

"So, what did you get me?" Nagisa elbowed him gently, smiling all the while.

On the bright side, if there was one thing Karma could do right, it was procrastinate. "Well, it's not quite the end of the day yet, now is it? I still have to make today-" he did jazz hands to enhance the effect "-magical, don't I?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Shush. Trust me, we still have to do things, like, uh, visit that new pâtisserie that opened up yesterday! Yes, let's do that!"

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