9. Slave Trade

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She watched "herself" die at the hands of whom she called as friend under the order of her most beloved person. Darkness slowly engulfed her surroundings.

Then there was nothing.

I wonder why I'm still acting meek and like a coward running from fate?

Where did my hatred and fury go?

If fate shan't allow me to be happy then fate shall taste my wrath!

"Princess, please do wake up," Tanya's voice pulled her out of the darkness and she slowly opened her eyes.

Looks like due to the long trip, she had fallen asleep. She gently rubbed her eyes and peered out of the carriage window. Trees and wilderness welcomed her eyes and she threw Tanya a questioning look.

"I told you to wake up me up once we arrive at Leaf Town," Princess sounded a little sluggish due to the unpredicted wake up call.

"Apologies my lady, we had sensed a magic anomaly just a little far ahead of us." Tanya said as she kept her head down.

Is it another attack?

Princess turned vigilant in an instant, she then noticed that Jarred was no longer in sight.

Tanya noticed her scanning eyes and reported.

"Jarred went out to scout at the magic anomaly."

And left me here? Aren't I supposed to be his of highest importance in protecting?

Princess' lip twitched as she heard the impetuous action of Jarred. This elite knight was a hot-blooded type of person. He's on his early twenties and he was honed under the strict training of Amanda. He had the capability to be enlisted as a royal knight but he chose to serve the Bonneville family.

A light knock was heard on the carriage door and Jarred emerged.

"Oh! You're finally awake little cutie Princess!" Jarred beamed a smile as he looked at Princess.

"I would like to hear your report first," Princess sighed inwardly at how cheerful this guy could get.

"Aww, little cutie Princess is grumpy," Jarred grinned as he ruffled my hair.

Isn't his nickname for me quite long?

Can't he stick with either cutie or little?

Princess looked at Jarred with utter defeat.

"Ouch!" Jarred flinched when Tanya smacked his hand.

"REPORT. NOW" Tanya glared at Jarred with a murderous aura.

Jarred coughed then his face turned serious, he reported, "I've traced the magic and found a suspicious caravan not far ahead."

"Suspicious? Why do you say so?" Princess was intrigued.

"Well, quite a lot of the people in that caravan were chained and some of those chained people were being tortured. They were using magic so that's why we detected them," Jarred's face was now ice cold as he recounted what he saw.

"Slave traders, how careless were they," Tanya clicked her tongue and she showed utter disgust.

"I would like to do something for those unfortunate souls but as of the moment, little cutie Princess' safety is my highest priority. I can't risk this," Jarred pursed his lips in vexation.

Excuse you! You already risked my safety when you left me here to scout!

"Have they started to move?" Princess asked as an idea slowly formed in her head.

Jarred shock his head. "From what I've heard, they would be leaving after an hour and will head to Leaf Town."

"Leaf town is surrounded by a massive protective wall and the gates are quite heavily guarded." Princess raised an eyebrow as she remembered the details about Leaf town.

"Looks like they're going through an underground tunnel located west of the main gate. It used to be an outlet for water during floods but was abandoned when a magic tool was created to manipulate the water flow within the town."

"I see, then do we have a spare communication scroll?"

Tanya took out three scrolls from her space pouch and showed it to Princess.

Slave traders are troublesome to deal and quite dangerous to boot. This type of illegal business typically hires strong guards. I know that Jarred has the capability to suppress them with his strength but their number might put us in a disadvantage.

"Tanya prepare to use one scroll and write to the captain of the knights in Leaf town about this matter." Princess ordered then she stared at the scrolls and softly bit her lower lip.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

Princess gave out another order to Tanya then she shared her plan to Tanya, Jarred and even to the coachman.

When the caravan started its journey to Leaf town, their carriage also started moving but took a different route in order not to alert the people in the caravan.

Leaf town... Slave trade...


Hmm? I seem to remember something that happened in my previous life.


Author's notes:
I can probably provide 5 chapters per week. Thursday and Friday are probably the days I can't provide new chapters.  

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