22. They Meet Again

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After a month, a decree was signed by the King making the engagement of Vanford and Princess official. The Queen then sent a letter to the Bonneville manor requesting Princess' presence on an upcoming tea party hosted by the Queen herself.

Accompanied by her parents, Tanya and Abraham, Princess travelled to the capital. The moment she could see the capital from the carriage window, her heart started to beat wildly and anxiety started to creep unto her nerves. In her past life, the first time she went to the hospital was when she was already 14 years old and preparing to study at the Royal Magic Academy.

"It's ok my beloved Princess, I am friends with the Queen when we were still young. Therefore I can vouch that she will be friendly and kind towards you." Amanda's gentle voice eased Princess' anxiousness.

Princess smiled and inwardly agreed with her mother. However, the Queen wasn't the reason of her anxiousness. There were far more people to be caution with. Worse, the headquarters of the High Church was located in the capital.

After going through the gates exclusive for nobles, Princess could now see the bustling capital city and not too far was the majestic castle of the Crestford Kingdom. The Bonneville family arrived a day earlier of the scheduled tea party. They stayed at a villa owned by Amanda when she was still working as a royal knight.

Princess was curious about the state of the capital three years before she was supposed to arrive. So she begged her parents to let her roam around and promised to be back before sundown. Dyle and Amanda gave her permission on the condition that Abraham and Tanya would accompany her which she readily agreed.

The three dressed up as regular town folks and headed to the downtown. The capital city was divided unto two parts; the uptown, Attaliere, where the palace and most estates of nobles are located, and the downtown, Basion, where the commoners lived and other commercial establishments were situated.

The group were having fun with window shopping; they visited weapon shops, bookshops, well-known boutiques, and when they got hungry, they went to a famous café. While savouring the sweetness of the cream puff that she ordered, Princess gazed at the busy streets from the window of the cafe when a familiar figure appeared in her line of sight.

He was wearing a white coat which complimented his black hair. Unbeknownst to Princess, her stare had been noticed by him. He stopped on his for a moment when he suddenly disappeared which made Princess shot out from her seat startling Tanya and Abraham. They looked curiously at Princess who was still looking outside. They wanted to ask her on what could probably be the reason of her restless behaviour when they saw a man standing just inches away behind Princess.

"How may we help you?" Tanya immediately stood up from her seat and scowled at the man. While Abraham also stood up with one of his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Princess turned to talk behind her and was surprised that the person she was looking is now in front of her. She swallowed her remark on him suddenly springing up behind her when she remembered that this man once helped her from a perilous situation.

"Good to see you once again Sir Lancelot." Princess curtsied when she suddenly felt a hand on her head.

She stiffened when she saw that it was Ryze's hand.

"We meet again," he said with a nonchalant tone but an unknown emotion flashed through his red limpid eyes. 



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I also recommend reading the story, Mind Shifter by r1ddH1. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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