17. Celebration

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Before you start reading the new chapter, I would like to advertise my new story entitled Let's Kill the Heroine!.  Please do read and feel free to drop some comments or votes *wink*. 

Announcement: Due to the new story I'm writing, there will be changes in the amount of chapters I release every week for this story. Instead of five chapters a week, it will become three chapters since Let's Kill the Heroine! will replace the two chapters. 


Enough with the wait, here's the new chapter of Princess' Revenge!


With the success of activating her dark element magic, Princess and her companions went back to the Bonneville manor in two days' time. Dyle warmly welcomed Abraham into the family and assigned Jarred as a teacher for Abraham's knight training. As for Princess, under the tutelage of her father, her dark element magic continued to grow while for her light element magic, she mastered only a few spells and focused on reinforcing her healing spells.

Almost a year had passed by and now, the Bonneville Family is in a festive atmosphere. Tables adorned with food and cutlery were scattered around their large front garden. Servants were running around the manor trying their very best to do their tasks swiftly and precisely. Nobles from different parts of the Crestford Kingdom had one-by-one arrived in their carriages bringing with them a gift.

"Hey! Be gentle!" A young girl's voice resounded from a closed room.

"Apologies for being rough but your body is at fault here," a young man's slightly hoarse voice also resounded within the same room.

With the two people's voices and coupled with groans, the maids who were outside the room were red as a tomato.

Tanya slowly massaged her temple as she looked at the maids' red faces. She walked towards and room and knocked.

"My lady, Master would like to talk with you; he's waiting in his study." Tanya announced.

*thud* *thud* *thud*


The door opened and Princess came out dressed in an elegant red gown. Her hair was adorned by red roses and her delicate face was painted with a light make-up making her beauty heavenly. Despite her stunning appearance, small beads of sweat could be seen on her forehead.

"I will accompany her," Abraham who was behind Princess spoke. Two months prior, he was assigned as a knight chosen to protect Princess. Despite being a knight, Abraham still had the noble-like aura around him making him look dignified.

The maids behind Tanya couldn't help but sigh in admiration as they gaze at the beautiful creatures in front of them.

They are a pair matched by the heavens! The maids proclaimed in their hearts.

They have heard of how Princess and Abraham met in the past, for them it was like how fated pairs met in fairy tales.

Princess and Abraham slowly made their way to the Dyle's study, unperturbed with the sparkling gazes of the maids.

"Come in," Dyle said after Abraham knocked on the door.

When they came in Dyle's face was black; this was highly rare to happen.

"Daddy?" Princess approached her dad with a worried face while Abraham stood behind Princess..

Dyle's face slowly lightened up and a small smile formed on his lips. "My beloved Princess, I wanted for this celebration to be small and solemn. However early this morning, I received some letters of unexpected guests."

Princess was puzzled. In her previous life, there weren't any unexpected guests that made her father so much upset.

"May I know who those guests are?" Princess asked.

"A bishop from the High Church and a member of the royal family," Dyle's smile disappeared from his face as he replied to his daughter's inquiry.

Princess was agape in shock.

Why so early?
The high church never paid attention to me until I used my healing abilities in public while for the royal family they were cordial to our family but never had visited our manor.

Princess slowly breathed in and out as she calmed herself down.

Dyle put his hands on the shoulders of his daughter and summoned up an endearing smile. "Don't worry my beloved Princess, I will not allow them to ruin this special day of yours." He kissed his daughter's forehead and hugged her, "Happy Birthday my beloved Princess."

Princess' heart was engulfed with warmth and her anxiety a while ago seemed like an illusion that faded in the presence of her father's love. "Thank you father," she replied.

After their conversation in the study, the three of them headed to the garden to entertain the guests. The moment they entered the garden, the whispers of marvel and praise could be heard as the crowd's eyes fell upon them. However, amidst the appreciation, Princess could hear words of pity as some of the crowd recalled that the mistress of the manor was in a coma.

"Happy Birthday Princess!" A dashing young man's voice caught the attention of Princess.

"Thank you Brother Johnson. It's been quite a long time, I'm happy to see you again." Princess answered with a radiant smile which made Johnson feel as if his heart was hit by an unknown arrow.

When she noticed the two people behind Johnson, she curtsied and greeted them. "I am honoured to have the Duke and Duchess of Hydrangea attend this small celebration of the Bonneville family."

"No need to stick to too much formality, our families had been close for a long time already," a woman with caramel eyes and green eyes said as her eyes held warm affections towards Princess. This woman was Duchess Marie Godwin, Johnson's mother.

"To have a courteous and beautiful daughter like you, the Bonnevilles are truly blessed." This time, a man who looked like a matured version of Johnson spoke with a smile. He was Duke Gilbert Godwin, Johnson's father.

"It is truly our blessing," Dyle's voice chimed in their conversation as he slowly walked towards them. Once he was beside Princess, he bowed and greeted the Duke and Duchess according to proper decorum.

Neither Princess nor Dyle noticed the obscured emotions that flashed through the eyes of the Duke and Duchess while Dyle was giving his greetings. Pleasantries then followed in their conversation but were interrupted by the announcement of the arrival of the royal family member.

As soon as Princess' eyes fell on the figure who entered the garden accompanied by one knight, her eyes constricted.

So it's him...

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