15. Surprises in Skotos Forest (1)

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Sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday! I got busy with work so I couldn't find time. 

This chapter is dedicated to the readers who added this story to their reading lists! 

Special mention to BlackHealer143 and enthralledreader! I'm grateful for the support!

Anyway~ Here's the new chap!

Enjoy (^w^ )


After 5 hours of riding the carriage, Princess and her companions have arrived at the entrance of the Skotos Forest. Princess could feel her body tensed up as she descended from the carriage and looked at the ominous forest.

Skotos Forest was a picture-perfect place of darkness and gloominess. Dead trees, creepy animal sounds, gloomy mist; definitely a forest where one could disappear forever. What's more depressing was that the forest was huge.

But for some reason, Princess was unconsciously attracted to the place.

"My lady, I propose that you bring either Jarred or I to guard you in the forest." Tanya made a deep bow in front of Princess.

Princess shook her head. "No, it would be useless if I will be dependent on someone."

"Relax Tanya, believe on little cutie Princess. She has a latent ability for the dark element and let us not forgot, she's a spawn of the Archangel of Hell." Jarred appeared beside Tanya and patted her back as if coaxing a small child.

Tanya tried to give Jarred a kick but he magnificently dodged and just laughed it off making Tanya fume with irritation. While for Abraham, he silently looked at Princess' back while biting his lower lip in worry. He knew that have decided already, he can only pray that she would be successful on her endeavour.

Princess would travel through Skotos Forest by foot while the Bonneville's carriage would take another route and meet Princess on the other side of the forest.

As she walked inside the forest, she could feel the temperature slowly drop and her mana was slowly leaking out. Eyes of hungry beasts had silently followed her making her hasty on her steps.


A piercing sound suddenly reverberated from behind her and when she looked back, she saw a large lizard-like monster making its way towards her.

A beast found me?! Well, duh! It should be expected!

It wasn't fast but it was definitely large in size. She wanted to fend it off with a light spell but she was worried that she might ran out of mana and collapse. She lifted her dress and ran for her life.

I should've worn pants!

Parts of her dress were now torn by the branches and twigs while her shoes was dirty with mud but she didn't slow down, until she felt herself weight.

You've got to be kidding me...

Her vision went black and after a couple of seconds, her body was slammed unto what she felt could be dirt. She winced in pain and she involuntarily closed her eyes as she thought that her back was probably bruised from the fall. Despite the pain, Princess was thankful that she didn't land on a rock or anything hard but Princess was now having a problem.

There was only darkness around her. Literally darkness!

She couldn't see anything at all even though she already opened her eyes and her light spell wouldn't work either. Looks like she fell in a pitch-black hole. She calmed herself and tried to listen her surroundings. To her disappointment, she was met with deafening silence. To make matters worse, she also can't hear her own scream.

Princess started to panic. Did I die from the fall? Am I dead?

Good thing that she still had the feeling of touch. She hugged herself in attempt to comfort herself but she was now scared.

Did I die earlier than I should be? What will happen to my family?

Tears started to trickle down her cheeks. She felt hopeless and disappointed with herself. Depressing emotions started to whirl inside her until she heard a voice.

Is crying all that you can do?

Huh? Who's there?

A weak human like you has no right to know my name. Ridicule was evident in the unknown voice.

Yes, I'm weak! That's exactly why I came to Skotos Forest, to make myself strong!

Then why are you wasting time crying instead of training yourself? You're such a CRYBABY.

Ugh... I don't know where to start and what to do. My dark element won't activate while my light element is still weak.

Hahaha! Well, at least you're honest about your strength.

You like my honesty? How about you help me then?

Unfortunately, I don't see any merits in helping the crybaby at all.

Hey, I'm a beauty here! Don't you want a beauty to earn a debt from you? (QAQ)

Honest and shameless hmm...

We never know what the future holds. I might be able to return the favor in the near future. I will never leave the world with a debt unpaid.

Good! Good! Crybaby knows how to negotiate. Then let me give you an advice, magical elements in a person is like a reflection of ones soul. If one does not acknowledge the reflection then one shall lose sight of the reflection.

Reflection of ones soul?

Princess Bonneville, this Demon King shall come for you in the near future and take you as my wife. That's if you manage to get out of here alive.

Demon King?! You're the demon king?!

Wait... How did you even know my name?

Above all, WIFE?!

You should propose properly even if you're the demon king!

The voice no longer replied to her.

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