16. Surprises in Skotos Forest (2)

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Reflection of ones soul...

A reflection portrays the physical appearance of a person, so if it talks about the soul then could it be emotions? Feelings?

Ah... Dark emotions... If I remember correctly, the first time I used the dark element my heart was enshrouded by dark emotions.

I see, even such disgusting emotions are necessary to be acknowledge.

I'm neither saint nor a naïve person. I need to fully open my eyes to the cruel world.

Princess could slowly feel a burning sensation in her heart and her mana was slowly building up again. She closed her eyes and controlled the mana in her then guided it through her whole body. Not just her eyes, even her body, were glowing in purple color and this time, she could now see her surroundings.

She surveyed her surroundings and found out that she fell into a cave but when she looked up, she couldn't see the hole where she fell from.

"Anybody here?!" She shouted.

After her shout, she breathed a sigh in relief that even her voice is back. However, her relief was shortlived as she saw a humungous spider, as big as an elephant, making its way towards her. She immediately took off running while the spider chased her.

"Heavens won't even give me time to relax!"

An idea popped up in her mind and slowed down her running pace. A spell name formed in her consciousness and in a swift move, she faced the spider and chanted...


A small black orb appeared in front of the spider making it stop on its track and in a split second, the black orb enlarged enough to swallow the spider. A large explosion then erupted, blowing the spider to smithereens and leaving a large crater on the ground.

"I did it! It really worked! I can use my dark element now!" Princess raised her fist up in triumph.

But life would never cut her some slack as the whole cave started to crumble. She looked around her for exit but she could only see that the cave still extends at a greater range. Running would be pointless.

Princess looked up and bit her lower lip as she execute her plan.

"I ain't dying now," she muttered as she raised her right arm and looked at the cave's ceiling.


A small black orb appeared near the cave's ceiling and expanded into a relatively large size. Princess braced herself from impact as soon as an explosion erupted. Light flooded the dark cave and she could finally see the sky but she forgot one important detail.

I can't fly!!!!

She might not die from the cave's ceiling collapsing on her but she might be overrun by the debris coming from all sides. She was planning to shout for help when she felt a strong gust of wind. In reflex, she closed her eyes and covered her face with her arms then she suddenly felt weightless.

Am I gonna fall again? Is there a chasm in this forest?!

Contrary to what she expected, she actually felt that she was actually flying but she didn't dare open her eyes yet until she felt an arm below her knee and another holding her shoulder. Her eyes opened and her vision was greeted by something she never thought of seeing.

Black shoulder-length silky black hair swayed along with the wind while his ruby eyes were fixed on the face of Princess.

Ryze Lancelot!

Lancelot was holding her in a princess-carry as they float a few meters above the ground where the hole was located. There was no way she could feel relief being rescued by a cold-hearted human weapon. Her body trembled as she remembered the horrifying slaughters of Lancelot In her past life. When he felt Princess' body tremble, his arms tightened and Princess failed to notice an unknown emotion flash in his ruby eyes.

Princess could feel his firm chest from his noble clothing. They slowly descended but Lancelot didn't put Princess down and kept on carrying her as if she was like a feather.

"Umm, thank you for saving me. You may now put me down," it took some courage for Princess to speak and she couldn't dare look at him in the eyes.

Lancelot didn't speak at all and just stared at her which made her uncomfortable and anxious. After a couple of moments, Lancelot started walking while carrying Princess.

"I'm really fine! So please put me down!" She started to panic. Princess knew well that she couldn't stand a chance against Lancelot. Right now he was still 15 years old but he was already sent to the battlefield at an early age of 11.

"My parents taught me not to go with strangers!" She said as she ran out of ideas on what to say to this ice block.

Somehow it worked and Lancelot stopped.

"It's supposed to be parents taught you not to SPEAK with strangers," he rebutted then proceeded in walking.

That's your problem?! What's in the mind of this guy?

"Then at least tell me where we are headed." Princess eyes and voice was basically pleading to him.

Lancelot still kept quiet then they suddenly took off flying. Princess reflexively wrapped her arms around Lancelot's neck from the sudden flight. This time, they were flying at a fast pace which made Princess close her eyes.

As they landed, Princess opened her eyes and found that they were now at the other end of the Skotos Forest; the place where she planned to meet with Tanya and the others.

Lancelot finally put her down and started walking back into the forest.

"Thank you again!" Princess shouted words of gratitude because despite the cold treatment, he did save her which made her look at him in a new light.

Lancelot stopped on his tracks and with his back facing Princess he spoke, "Ryze Lancelot".

Hmm? That's his only introduction?

"Princess Bonneville," Princess returned the introduction.

Lancelot then continued and disappeared into the dark Skotos forest. 

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