19. The Proposal

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This chapter is dedicated to the readers who added my story to their library, especially to BlackHealer143 who never stopped gracing me with votes. 

Enjoy the new chapter!


Frown was now painted on the face of Dyle while the smile on Princess didn't falter. Knowing that in her previous life, her father was against her involvement with the High Church so now she's merely passive and will relent if suggested by her father.

The atmosphere slowly became heavy. Dyle closed his eyes and gave a light chuckle. Once his eyes opened, his usual smile emerged from his lips and he looked straight to the bishop as he spoke. "That would be a great thing however our tree of happiness will truly wither if the roots are taken."

Princess was overjoyed to hear what Dyle said while the other people around them were clueless on his message. Though the bishop understood his words and merely shook his head. The celebration went on but the bishop didn't stay for long and left after having a conversation with the other nobles.

"You're not interested in joining the High Church?" Vanford asked as he came behind Princess.

Princess' eyes blinked as she speedily organized her most acceptable excuse. "Your Highness, I am still 11 years old and too young to be depart to the capital. Another thing, I cannot leave our manor now that my mother is in that vulnerable state."

"Hmm..." Vanford eyed Princess like a rare animal.

"The bishop said that they can cure your mother," Johnson chimed in the conversation.

Princess made a dry smile and she sighed inwardly on how slow can Johnson be.

"Brother Johnson, did you hear the bishop use the word can?" Princess turned to Johnson.

Johnson's head tilted to side as he tried to process what Princess asked. After a minute, his eyes widen and he spoke, "There's was no can but only might."

Princess nodded to confirm Johnson's reply.

There's a difference if the High Church would say that they can cure mother rather than the might. However, I do think that they didn't come here with just a measly bait.

Despite the smile on her face, Princess was lost in her thoughts until she felt something warm poke her cheek. She was startled when she saw Vanford was actually poking her cheeks.

"Pardon my rudeness Lady Princess, I couldn't help but be curious upon what lies beyond this beautiful face of yours." Vanford was with his usual crafty smile while his silver eyes glimmered with interest.

Princess cupped the cheek that Vanford poked and looked flabbergasted however before she could recover, she felt another poke on the other cheek.

"I agree with the His Highness, Princess' cuteness is too tempting," Johnson grinned as he kept on poking Princess' rosy cheek.

No... I don't think cuteness was the reason why the second prince poked me.

Once again, Princess wasn't given any chance to speak as Johnson winced in pain when a strong hand gripped his finger almost crushing the bones.

"How dare you!" Johnson scowled at the culprit, Abraham. "Why is it that the prince can poke Princess but not me? I'm a son of a duke!"

"His highness is a royalty while you are just a Johnson within the premises of the Bonneville Family," Abraham nonchalantly replied.

"Why does it seem that this insolent knight uses my name as a derogatory word?" Johnson asked with obvious irritation.

"For Sir Craymore to be glib, looks like my older brother really lost a golden egg," Vanford muttered. His gaze then slowly moved to Princess.

Laughter ensued within their group and Abraham just naturally blend in as well. After a while, Vanford separated from the group while Princess and the others socialized with the other nobles at their age.

The celebration went on and when dusk came, the guests one by one bid their farewell. Johnson reluctantly went home together with his parents.

"Before I go, may I request a little bit of your time to talk with you in private?" Vanford spoke in a low voice to Princess.

She didn't reply immediately, she casted a glance towards Abraham first then looked at Vanford.

"Your knight and one of my guards will of course accompany us in order avoid inappropriate misunderstandings." Vanford then gestured to one of his guards.

Four people made their way to one of the receiving room of the Bonneville house. When Princess went inside the room, she was surprised to see her father sitting on the couch as if waiting for them.

"Please do take a seat," Dyle spoke the moment he saw them.

What is happening here...

Princess felt an ominous feeling as she throw gazes to her father and to the prince. She then took a seat beside her father while Vanford sat on the opposite side. The atmosphere was quite tense as if someone would be condemned of a crime.

Dyle coughed, trying to break the tense atmosphere, then he turned to Princess with a conflicted smile and spoke, "My beloved Princess, his highness had brought up a certain topic which I think would require of your personal opinion."

Princess' eyebrow rose as she shifted her gaze to Vanford as if asking him to articulate this certain topic that her father was talking about. Vanford smiled at her but his smile sent a chill to Princess and her instincts were telling her to run. He then slowly rose from his seat and made his way to Princess. Once he was in front of Princess, he knelt down on one knee and took her hand.

"Princess Bonneville, will you be my wife?"

Then something exploded. 

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