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"Hobi you can't keep staring at the microwave like that! It's getting weird" Namjoon sigh.

"I am telling you! It's clearly evil"

"Just eat your breakfast" Yoongi interrupt, Messing up the Youngers hair.


"Namjoon, I will be back in a few hours" Yoongi assure him, kissing the boy on the cheek.

"That's okay Yoon! Remember to get some strawberry and banana milk for when the boys come over"

Yoongi Nod, giving him a soft smile while he run his fingers through his hair.

"I love you Namjoonah"

"I love you too Hyung" Namjoon smile back, pecking his cheek, before letting him run off too.

"Where did Hoseok go?" Namjoon ask himself, looking around the house with no luck of finding him.

"Seokie?" He call softly, trying to catch attention of his beloved hybrid.

A soft purr from one of the closets, come to Namjoon's attention.

He carefully tip toe to the closet, pulling the door open with the same care.

The closet doors open slowly, and out tumble a little fox hybrid, who looks like he could be around the age of 4.

Namjoon Look at the little hybrid in confusion, wondering how in the world he got in here.

"Hey, baby?" He tap the babies shoulder, making it look up at him.

Namjoon is taken aback by the sight, the babies face is the same shape as Hoseoks, except the jaw is softer.

His eyes are the same deep brown, while the babies smile light up and reveal the same heart smile.

"Seokie?" He question with care, letting his fingers caress the side of his face.

The little fox, grab his fingers smiling even more "Daddy"

Namjoon's Eyes widen at the words, did this creature just call him daddy?

He meticulously sit down by the child, letting him run into his arms.

"Daddy" He cheer happily, wrapping his small arms around his neck.

"Baby... i know this is crazy, but you really remind me of Hoseok..." he whisper carefully against his ear, holding the child close.

"My... name... Hoseok" the Baby speak up.

"Hoseok? Is it really you?"

"Nam Nam" the Baby mumble in the cutest tone, making Namjoon's heart beat faster.

"Hmm I will have to ask you about this when you turn back to normal... or when Yoongi gets home"

He cuddle up the baby fox, with his big sparkly brown eyes, never leaving Namjoon.

With care, he move him onto the bed, letting him fall asleep in his arms.

For some reason, this didn't freak out Namjoon, he actually saw no problem with it at all, he just found it hard to understand how this could happen.

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