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The dark figure of a man, make yoongis paw Losen around Namjoons throat, letting him drop to the ground.

"Oh so fresh" he laugh, caressing hands over his face.

"Y-Yoongi" Hoseok whimper.

"Yoongi I know you are in there! You need to save him!"

The monster dosent move a muscle, staring at his master, playing around with Namjoons bruised body.

The way his lips would come near the younger males throat, made a grip go through Hoseoks body.

He can't move.

His whole body is almost paralyzed and he fear moving a single muscle, but he couldn't just watch him hurt Namjoon.

Nothing could save Namjoon... what was he supposed to do.

He tried to fight so hard, tried using all his alpha powers, without luck.

He couldn't watch him die!

His lips made contact with his neck, slowly moving them away, as a blue light followed the action, in a way still connecting them.

"NAMJOON!" Hoseok scream in horror, wobbling onto his knees.

Everything starts to shake and seem blurry, as he try to fight.

He move slowly, his lounges slowly collapsing inside him, as he fall face first back down, everything going back.

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