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Namjoon wake up with a in shock at the noise, jumping out of bed.

He pull a t-shirt over his head while running down the stairs.

"Wh-" Namjoon Stop as his eyes Land upon two small baby hybrids, rolling around on the floor.

"What are you two doing?"

Hobi shone Yoonie off him, making Yoonie Start crying like a lunatic.

"H-he took me Bunny! A-and maw it dirwy!" Hobi Cry, trying to drown out the sound of Yoonie crying.

"Hey hey, you two! Come here! Don't cry!" Namjoon sit down on the floor, flinching a little as he feel the cold wooden floor against his exposed thighs.

The two hybrids crawl on his lap, one by one.

"What happened, Talk slowly and one by one"

They both nod and Hobi Look at Yoonie, finally letting him speak his case.

"I wake up! Bunny wa on foor! I took bunny! But bunny hongry! Yoonie Hongry! We go kichi! Milk up toooo high!"

Yoongi get cut off shortly, as a sneeze erupt his speaking.

The kitten shortly lick his nose and shake his head in a cute manner before continuing.

"I try... grab milk.... booooom!!" Yoongi make big movements to show how big the boom had been, making Namjoon smile softly at his cuteness.

"Milk all over! And on bunny... I swaid Sowwy... Seokie still mad..." Yoonie whimper a little as the fox stare him down.

"Me bunny soaking in mwilk!"

"Sowwy! I say sowwy!" Yoonie whine and flap his hands while bouncing.

"Easy you two! I will wash mr BunBun! He will be okay! No more fighting okay?"

The two small boys nod.

"Can we now?" Seokie ask Carefully.

"Yes come on! Let's go wash him now!"

Namjoon stand up, which a hybrid on each arm, clinging to him.

He pick up bunbun with a little help from one of his feet, and let Hobi Carefully Hold the soaking wet bunny.

Namjoon place both boys down by the washer and prepare it for a wash.

"Hobi can you put him in?"

"Will he hurt?"

"No no! He will go on a little adventure! It's like a teddy water rollercoaster!!"

Hobi smile brightly and stumble to the Maschine, putting bunbun inside it.

Namjoon Carefully Close it and sit down with his hybrids after turning it on.

They sit like that for a while, the two baby hybrids leaning against their daddy, as they watch bunbun Spin and Spin inside the washing Maschine.

Funny how small things entertain them in that headspace.

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