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A soft paw tap against Namjoons face.

He carefully open his eyes to see a little figure lean over him.

Namjoon smile softly, rubbing his eyes.

"Why are you awake Hobi?" Namjoon Whisper, Kissing the babies forehead.

"I tant sweep" the little fox whisper.

"We can Cuddle Hobi, then I bet you can sleep okay?" Namjoon day fondly, rubbing his babies chubby cheeks.

"but daddy..."

"Yes Hobi?"

"I need tvo twell u sometin"

"Hmm? "

The fox turn a soft shade of pink and start to play with the sheets that are covering him.

"What is it to prince?" Namjoon can't hold back a smile from spreading across his face.

"I wuv u"

Namjoon chuckle fondly and pinch the babies soft fluffy cheeks.

"Did you wake me up to tell me you love me?"

Hoseok Nod shyly, falling down on his daddy to hide against the crock of his neck.

"Aw! I love you too my little prince"

The baby smile against his neck, hugging tight against his beloved daddy.

"I will always love you Seokie"

Short and fluffy

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