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It's madness!

Oder and complete madness!

Hoseok knows that the boys barely just shared their first kiss with one another, but the burning feeling in his lower half, made him unable to think clearly.

It's that one feared Time of the year.

It's pairing season.

Hoseok finally came of age, and the need to pair with some, just anyone, is becoming unbearable!

He bite his lip harshly trying to hold on the whimpers, that is sinfully leaving his lips.

His member is pounding and hurting him like crazy, making him let out a whine against his will.

"Arh fuck" he groan softly.

The fabric of his pants seems harsh against his hard member, making him unable to even leave his bed.

He needs to do something about this, before he lose his mind complete.

Hoseok Sit up in his bed, not knowing how his whimpers have caught the attention of a fellow horny hybrid.

Yoongi growl to himself and he place his phone to his ear.


"Yoongi are you okay?" Namjoon ask him in a worried manner.

"We need you!" Yoongi whimper.

"It's.... pairing season" he add, his voice breathy and deep.

"I-I will be home in 5 minutes! Be in our bedroom"

Yoongi hang up and run to the bedroom, kicking open the door, almost scaring the fur of off Hoseoks body

"Daddy will be home in 5 minutes!"


"GET DRESSED" Yoongi Stress towards the bed and pull open a secret hide away under a blanket.

"Have that always been there?"

"Don't question it!"

Hoseok nod and follow him down the hole.

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