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1. Scars: No

2. Self harmed: No

3. Crush: Nope

4. Kissed anyone: Other than my dogs and cats, nope.

5. Coke or Pepsi: I prefer Coke but will drink Pepsi if offered.

6. Someone you hate: I know this is going to sound pathetic and people with argue that I should love her but I hate my mom.

7. Best friend: Haileigh, she doesn't have Wattpad.

8. Done alcohol: No (I'm only 15, and don't plan on ever)

9. Done drugs: No (I'm only 15, and still don't ever plan or want to do drugs)

10. Dream job: Veterinarian or actress

11. Ever been in love: Nope

12. Last time you cried: I'm honestly not sure, I cry so often it's all one mumbled memory.

13. Favorite color: Any shade of blue

14. Height: About 5'4

15. Birthday: January 11

16. Eye color: Brown

17. Hair color: Brown

18. What I love: Animals, TV shows (ASOUE, AWAE, The Flash, many others)

19. Obsession: ^^

20. Do you love someone: No

21. Kiss or hug: Not sure what this means. I think it might mean if I prefer to be hugged or kissed?? Probably hugged.

22. Nickname: Don't really have one, besides the first three letters of my first name which I'm keeping private at the moment.

23. Favorite song: Don't really have one

24. Favorite band: Don't really have one

25. Worst thing ever: Quiglet and Kliona

26. Best thing ever: Dunclet and Kladora (obviously)

27. Near death experience: I've almost gotten into a few really bad car accidents. The worst was probably when an 18-wheeler truck just suddenly crossed like 4 lanes of traffic and almost went right on top of our car!

28. Ever dated: Nope

29. Worst mistake: I don't know! Who keeps track of that? (Who got the Disney reference?)

30. Special talent: I guess you can consider this a special talent: My entire family including me has some weird animal attraction. All animals love us, I even have a opossum that wants to be friends with me in my aunt's neighborhood, my uncle has a pet bear living on his land. And there's many other strange animals that seem to like us.

31. Someone you can tell anything to: My dog and cats! I literally tell them everything that goes on in my life. I also tell me best friend from question 7. I can also tell my aunt everything.

32. Ever lost a loved one: Yes. I lost my baby cousin, we didn't even get a chance to form any kind of bond since she died when she was 5 months old but she was, is, still my cousin!
I've also lost my very first two cats: Salty and Pepper, but they did live a nice life.

33. Do you believe in love: Definitely!

34. Someone you hate: I already answered this.

35. Are you okay: Depends on your definition of okay?? I am physically okay, and okay enough to not do any harm to myself or others.

I tag:


I think that's enough

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