Chapter One

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 Mike sat and stared at his brother, the one everyone wanted to be. Richie had always been the one everyone liked, the "cool" one, sure Mike was "perfect" to his family, but far from that to himself or anyone at school. Mike had only ever been the straight A, queer boy in the family and the school. As for his brother, he always had some snarky comeback ready to launch at anyone and everyone, although everyone in our family thought of him as a disappointment, nobody else ever did. When Richie came out as gay last year, it was a let down to every single girl in Hawkins High, but despite the clear disappointment, he still managed to remain the most popular of all of the high schoolers. When Mike came out, the story was far from what Richie had been treated to. Mike was plunged into sorrow and depression. Now the Wheeler Twins both had boyfriends (it was much harder for mike to find somebody, but he still managed) Richie had gotten somebody first, Will Byers was the one. The Artist, The strong one, Zombie boy, the adored nerd, sweet, kind but most importantly in love with Richie. Mike had found one too though, Eddie, Eddie was Mikes friend first, and then it led to more, much more.

"Hey Edds?" Mike asked in spite, he knew Eddie hated when he called him that

"Don't call me that, you know I hate it."

"yes, I do. But you look so cute when your annoyed!"

"Ugh, but what do you want?"

Mike grabbed his arm and pulled him into an empty classroom

"I want you to come with me, to go see that new movie Love, Simon. Apparently it's a must-see for gays."

"Mike" he said "why? It's so cliche"

"Why is it edds?" he pushed "I want to take the boy I love to a gay movie, how is that cliche?"

"You're lucky your cute." he said getting on his tiptoes to kiss mike

"So Tomorrow night then?"

"Fine, but you're driving us."

"I can do that, bye Eddie" he said walking away

While the two boys sat alone in the cafeteria, the other twin sat with his boyfriend in the center of the cafeteria, drowning in the swarm of kids pushing to sit with Richie.

"Rich, can we go somewhere else?" Will asked

"In a second..." Richie replied not even bothering to turn and look at will

"Come on Rich, please. It's really crowded here and I want to talk to you."

"Later Will."

"Richie, you know sometimes I wish you were more like mike."will complained, this got Richie's attention

"Fine, let's go then." Richie said upset, if there was one thing he hated more than tests, it was Mike. He grabbed will's had hastily and dragged him over to an empty table.

"What did ya want to talk to me about Will?" he questioned

"Um I was wondering if you wanted to go see that new movie tomorrow?"

"Will, you know how I hate gay movies, it's like they're just rubbing it in that some people are actually gay and happy."

"You're not happy with me?"

"No, no Will, that's not what I meant."

"No, it's fine, I know it is. I'm just this big burden dragging you down."

"Will, wait!" But his cry was drowned out by the noise of the crowd, he disappeared into the wall of people before Richie could catch up.

Now Richie did lie, he truly wasn't happy with Will, he truly tried. But everytime he saw his brother with Eddie, his feelings for will faded away. The truth is that he had been in love with Eddie since his idiot brother brought him home for the first time. But he knew that they were truly in love and no matter how much he hated Mike he just couldn't do that to him. He used to love will, but now his feelings for Eddie overpowered the ones he had for Will.

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