Chapter Nine

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 Mike got out of bed, slowly, still feeling terrible, the last thing he wanted now was to go to school. He pulled on his cloths, washed his face, grabbed a slice of toast, got in his car and drove. His parents hadn't been home in almost a month, they never liked their sons and once they could care for themselves, they just left them. They still occasionally came back to deliver or pick up certain things, but never staying more than a night at a time. I guess they just couldn't handle three, Mike and Richie were never truly intended, they only wanted Nancy. But once they saw that they had Two boys now on their Hands, they just couldn't take it, they kept them until they could handle themselves. Other members of their family looked after them from time to time, but now was not one of those times, they had been alone now for just under a month.

Mike walked the crowded halls, looking for someone he could talk to, he found nobody. Mike had not been well since Eddie left him, he felt like his life had no point, like it wasn't worth living. Mike truly Loved Eddie and now he missed him so much it hurt. Mike needed someone to talk to will? He thought but quickly shot that thought down, he would be to distracted, no Mike needed to find someone that he didn't know... someone like Bill.

"Hey! Hey! Wait up dude"
"Oo..oh sorry..."
"I just wanted to introduce myself since you're new here."

"Wait're Richie rr..right?" Mike was disappointed by this, but he needed someone new, so he pushed the anger deeper down.

"No, I'm Mike, Richie's my brother."

"Oo..Oh, Iii...I'm sorry, I'm... I'm Bill."

"Nice to meet you, um do ya maybe wanna hang out after school, I have no friends."

"Uh Sss..sure, I kinda don't either."

"Ok, see you then?"


Bill walked away and just as mike had been before Bill came, he was once more. Mike never thought anyone valued him, anyone other than Eddie, and now not even him was here... him. Mike would never stop loving Eddie, but it was clearly not the same for Eddie. Mike walked along once more, hoping, praying that he would not see Eddie that day. But as luck would have it, Eddie turned the corner just ahead of Mike, now heading straight for him.

"Mike? You're back?"

"Yep, I had to come back eventually right? Why not today?"

"Ya, listen Edds, I have to go..."

"Edds?" Eddie said sounding hopeful and curious at the same time.

"Oh, sorry.. Eddie."

"No, it's fine, it's just that you only called me that when we were together...'

"Well, we aren't so, look Eddie I don't know what you want here, I'd rather you just leave, it's too painful to see your face."

"Mike... I'm sorry, I.. I just love Richie so much."

"Yes, I know that you don't have to keep rubbing it in, and you may think he's so perfect now and that you're in love. But just go speak to Will Byers, that will be fast to change after that."

"Mike, why are you telling me this?"

"I'm looking out for you, believe it or not, I'm still in love with you Eddie."

"Mike, you need to let go of me. It's over." and that was when mike broke, broke do bad so nobody but Will Byers could put him back together.

Meant To Be//Reddie/BylerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant