Chapter Fifteen

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 Will and Bill walked into the doors of starcourt mall with only one intention, to get drunk. Bill reached for Bill's hand and dragged him into a dimly lit store, Bill flashed a fake ID at the cashier and ordered them a six-pack. They walked back to Bill's car and drove to the quarry. Bill tossed Will a beer and they both popped them open, although Will hesitated before taking the first sip.

(A few hours... and beers later.)

"Bill, I love you."

"Luv u to WillyWill"
"BillyBill. We would have the worst couples name..."

"Bwill, Wbill, BillWill..."


"Good job Will, I guess we're wheelbarrow now." Bill said sarcastically

"I feel Drunk."

"Maybe because you just drank three beers Will."

"Yeah, probably."


"You don't stutter when you're drunk."

"You don't smart when your drunk."

"Neither do you Bill."

"I love you."

"I know."

"Say you love me."

"I already did Billy boy."

"Say it again."

"I love you."

Bill leaned over and kissed will, the sun was setting behind them casting a golden glow over everything. To Bill it felt like they were in a dream, but all Will could think about was Mike. Will though he was past this, he had Bill now, he was happy and in love, not still yearning for Mike.

"Eddie, I had a reason you know." Richie said "To cheat on you."

"And what reason was that, it better be a good one."

"I thought we were over, when you hung up the call I was hurt and just needed to hook up with the closest person to forget the pain."

"Still not a great reason Rich."

"I know, but it's the only one I got. Would you rather hear the painful truth or a beautiful lie?"

"That's deep Richie. But in the future a beautiful lie would be nice."

"To be honest, I saw that on Instagram and I'm not smart enough to come up with a good lie."

"I love you Rich."

"I know." Richie said making Eddie laugh, Richie grabbed Eddie and kissed him hard "God I missed you Edds."

"It was a day that we weren't talking."

"I know." but as Richie kissed Eddie all he could think about was how he wished it was Mike kissing him. Eddie was happy he had Mike and Richie, but it still didn't feel right to him. Why could he just not choose. One day it's Richie who he wants and then the next it's Mike. and when he was with Richie he missed Mike too much and when he was with Mike he missed Richie too much. He had no idea how to do this but he needed to pick someone and stick with them, not secret relationships, no breaks.

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