Chapter two

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 Richie watched from his bedroom window, Mike and Eddie were sitting on the lawn of their sun-lit front yard. Mike was so classic, a red and white checkered blanket spread over the green grass, holding Eddie's hand, leaning in closer and... shit. He would never have a chance if this was what Eddie liked, Mike brushed his hair until it was straight every morning, he wore sweaters over his collared shirts and always held Eddie's hand. Richie on the other hand wore plain white tanks with graphic collared shirts unbuttoned over them, he never got rid of his glasses because once Eddie said he looked cute in them. Eddie was never aware that little joke meant so much to Richie, but it did. And on top of Richie's incomplete style there was his... jokes, why? Why did he have to be so obnoxious, Eddie would never date him.

Mike walked toward the AV club, first day in the club, it was going to be a nightmare, everyone there had already been there since the beginning of the school year. He pushed the door open, unsure of what he was expecting, he saw nothing but friendly faces.

"Hey man!" a curly haired boy called to him.


"Oh, Im Dustin my the way!" he said with cheer

"Oh, im Mike... Richie's twin."

"Yeah! That's where I remember you from, or...your face." he said awkwardly

"Uh, yeah. I'm kind of the shy one."

"Yeah, if your in here, we could probably figured that much out by ourselves." a small black haired boy commented with a scowl

"And you are?" he asked

"Lucas, but pretty much everyone calls me Midnight, so you can pick." he said frowning

"Ok then..."

"I'm sorry for him, I'm Jane, but everyone just calls me El... long story." she said smiling.

"Oh, nice to meet you then." She was beautiful, her beautiful brown short hair highlighting her eyes

"Yeah, Lucas is the salty one I guess."

"I can see that."

"And I'm Max" she had unruly red hair and tons of freckles, uncommon for people in hawkins.

"Wait you're that girl who cut in front of me with her skateboard.. Bitch"

"Gee sorry, El maybe you were wrong about Lucas being the salty one."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was kind of just in a hurry that day, and well you made me late.."

"By cutting in front of you with my skateboard?"

"It's a really long story that I'm sure none of you want to hear so."

"Yea, your right, I would prefer not to hear that one." Lucas said

A small boy was sitting in the corner, he kept stealing glances at Mike, like he knew him but couldn't figure out from where.

"I'm Mike" he said walking up to him

"I'm Will..." he said with a shy smile

"Wait, you're Will?" he asked

"Yea, I'm Richie's boyfriend"

"He always talks about you, I can't believe we've never met before."

"He talks about me?"

"Yea, he does.. Why"

"It's nothing."

"You sure, you can talk to me if you want. I'm basically Richie but less snarky."

He smiled and then any thought of Eddie was pushed out of his mind.

"I'll see Mike Wheeler."

He loved how he used Mike's full name, the rest of AV Mike stole glances at Will, that were very rarely returned. When AV club was let out, as Mike walked out of the door Eddie grabbed his hand and pulled him away from will as he watched with a sad look on his face.

"Hey handsome" Eddie said smiling

"Edds, whats up?"

"Why? I can't call you handsome?"

"It's not that you can't, It's that you usually don't."

"Ugh, fine... do you want to take a trip to Derry to come and visit my aunt and uncle with me?... Please say yes!"

"How could I ever say no to you?" Mike said closing the small space between them and kissing him, even though, he loved Eddie so much, why could he not get Will out of his head?

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