Chapter Six

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 Eddie stared at Mike's empty seat in science that morning, he was not ok, just like Eddie had thought. Mike had been gone from school for a couple days now and Richie came to school on Monday all bloodied up, Eddie had the feeling Mike was worse. He felt terrible for what he did to Mike, after all Eddie did still love him, but he did love Richie more. Richie ran up to eddie after class and kissed him in the hall, in front of everyone.

"Hey Eddie, ya wanna come over after school, to do study?"

"Richie, you know I don't think that's the best idea..."

"Why not?"


"Oh. how about your place then?"
"My mother won't let me have anyone over for awhile."

"She doesn't have to know."

"Rich, no."

"Come on please Edds?"

"Don't call me that, or you'll find yourself boyfriendless very fast."

"Fine, Edds... I mean Eddie, sorry."

"Mike always called me that."

"Do you seriously miss that son of a bitch?"

"Yes. I seriously miss Mike."

"Well, you traded him out for something better" Richie jokes

"That's what I feel so bad about..."

Eddie was right, Mike was in pretty bad shape, his face was all torn up, broozed and his left arm was in a blue cast. Richie had not let him down slowly, they fought and it ended better for Richie than it did for Mike, him being the weaker one. But the pain on the outside of Mike was nothing compare to the pain that laid within. It was just after school when Mike hear the front door open, It was Richie... and Eddie. Mike could hear the laughter coming from downstairs, how much of a dick was Richie? He took Mike's boyfriend and now he brings him back to their house, while Mike is home?

"You wanna go upstairs Eddie?"


Mike could hear them climbing the stairs up to Richie's room, he could hear them pass by his door, he could hear that Eddie stopped

"Come on Edds."


He could hear him continue onward and he could hear Richie's door slam shut. Mike cried. He knew what they were doing in that room, because Richie had done the same thing to countless other boys and girls, use them and once he grew bored leave them and find another, that was what he did to will after all. Mike treated Eddie well, Eddie loved Mike, at least he thought he did.

"Hey Mike? You ok?" It was nancy, her curly hair pulled back into a messy bun

"Nope." she came and sat down on the bed next to me.

"Whats up Mike?"

"It's Eddie..."


"Nance, I loved him, and he chose Richie over me.." Nancy hugged him tighter

"Mike, there's always going to be that one who got away, don't let it be Eddie."

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