small psa :)

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hi guys :)

thank you so much for reading my book and putting up with my shit, it has truly been a journey.

i was reading all of your comments and you guys are so sweet and supportive, 7th grade me is quaking. and yes, i did write this in 7th grade. and i am so sorry for all the switching from first to third person, i was truly stupid.

so, i have sort of stopped writing fan fiction because i would really like to actually make something of my writing and so I really need to stop using other people's characters because i am too damn scared to make my own.

and well it would really mean the whole world to me if you would check out my one original work, psychopath. let me just tell you, it is just as gay as this book and it's something really special to me.

i love you guys so much

thank you for everything,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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