Chapter 9: Paperflower

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you're all still enjoying the story, sorry for all the feels. Don't worry after this there'll be no more full sad chapters. For now, that is 😏 Hope you like and thanks for reading!  🤗😋

©Bleach and its characters don't belong to me, they belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna Maria, Hanabira and Maya belong to me.

Chapter 9: Paperflower

"Anna! Anna Maria, wake up!"

The shaking wore her down and she eventually opened her eyes. Anna realized she had slept on the sofa. Maya Fujiwara was there with a sleepy Sosuke. 'We didn't even change the uniform.'

"Thank goodness you woke up! You need to go now, Hanabira is danger!"

Those words made the two of then jolt awake. "What?! What happened?!'

"They're taking her to execution right now. You need to hurry! If I go I'd just slow you down, the Central didn't listen to me and it's likely Akito is at the execution grounds. You must go alone!"

She nodded, Sosuke grabbed her by the wrist and they rushed to the Sokyoku hill.

Her heartbeat was raising, and from his tight grip, she could tell Sosuke was desperate as well.

'Please let us get there in time.'

She had only slept for about five minutes when they dragged her out of the cell

'I was never too fond of sleep.' Hanabira thought. They had already drained her powers, save for Mazati who had stayed by her side and was now awaiting their end. Jyuushiro was gone, they'd likely told him to leave for his post at the execution grounds. She did not mind, it was better this way.

Every step taken down the tower's stairs, the bridge or the sandy mountain felt like an eternity. The sky looked bluer, the sun felt warmer and even the sand against her bare feet was rougher than before. It felt as every sense of hers was highlighted.

'I shouldn't feel this way. It's not fair, I been ready from the start...'

She could see the Captains all lined up near the wooden device. Some looked calm, while others weren't able to conceal their emotions. Her friends were all doing their best to pretend, she knew it was crucial to keep calm so she faked a pretty smile. 'It'll be the last I shall give you.'

At last, she arrived under the large wooden structure her back was turned against it and soon they'd lift her up and release the Sokyoku bird.

"Any last requests?" The head captain asked her.

"Keep my children out of this. They are unaware of everything, that is my only wish."

"It shall be done."

The binds on her wrists were broken and replaced with two cubes that held her arms in place. Her legs were also bound together and she began to ascend.

'We always wanted to fly, didn't we?" Mazati told her. 'I suppose this is as close as we'll get.'

'Yes, such a shame.' she responded.

Everything looked smaller at the height she was in. The trees and the people were almost like ants. She could see the birds flying away, it's likely they knew what was about to happen. In a matter of seconds, the firebird had materialized in front of her.

Hanabira's vision was obstructed by the fire, so she closed her eyes. 'If I am to go then let it be looking at those I love.'

She remembered the first time she held baby Sosuke, or her room back at the palace, her first meetings with all of her friends, or the times she spent with Ukitake under the Sakura trees. Mazati also came to mind. The little spirit had been a loyal friend until the end, and the sole reason she would not die alone.

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