Chapter 24: Peace of Mind

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A/N: Hello my dear readers! Hope you're having fun with the story so far. After this chapter we'll begin the fullbringer's past arc and then delve into the anime's timeline. As always I hope you like the chapter and feel free to leave a vote or comment if you enjoyed. Thanks for reading! 🤗😋

© Bleach and its characters don't belong to me. They belong to Tite Kubo and Shounen Jump. Only Anna, Jeanne and the Fujiwara family belong to me.

Chapter 24: Peace of Mind

It was a cold and rainy morning when the captain's haori was finally delivered.

Sosuke stood in the doorway a little longer than usual. The silk garment was folded on his table, he could see the kanji for 5 sewed into it. He felt as if it was staring back at him.

'Is this what you wanted? To become a Captain?' it seemed to whisper.

At one point he did. When Sosuke was a little boy Captain Ukitake had let him borrow his captain haori. Sosuke walked around the yard that day pretending to be a captain. Hanabira had laughed until she cried and even offered to play lieutenant.

'It'll be just like that day. Put on the costume and pretend.'

He took a breath and put on the white coat. Outside Gin was waiting for him. He had the lieutenant's armband on.

"This is a little heavier than expected." He said.

"It's only temporary. With your skill it's likely they'll give you a Captain's post soon enough."

"Huh, and I thought this would be troublesome enough. What will you do when I am promoted Captain Aizen?"

"I'll have to look for a new lieutenant, preferably one who's loyal, I suggest you do the same."


They both stood in front of the First Squad doors. He was ready for another lie, this time with more witnesses. Sosuke turned towards Gin.

"Whenever you're ready."

"I hate biology!" Anna yelled.

"You've said it trice today." Szayel was already used to her ramblings.

"Sorry pretty boy. I'm just sick of all this dead stuff sitting on my petri dish. At least equations don't smell like a week old fish fillet."

"Point taken. I'll take a break as well. Lord Aizen was right with his predictions, the Hogyoku worked well on us, even if our current forms can improve, but it's not fit for Soul Reaper use, not even on dead flesh."

Anna sighed. "Too bad. Do you think it needs more power?"

"Not exactly. Lord Aizen has posed a theory to me and I asked Jeanne to gather data. We'll see how that fares."

"Alright then."

As they waited Anna let her thoughts drift back to that night. She knew what happened to Kisuke and Yoruichi, Sosuke had told her as much.

She didn't know what to feel. Those two were here friends, the oldest friends she had aside from Sosuke. They'd been through the academy and vacations, and through so many things...but in the end they sold her out and she got burned.

Would they be ok? It shouldn't matter to her. In time it wouldn't, but regardless she wanted to know.

"Hey Szay?"

"What is it?"

"What's it like to be human?"

"Why do you ask?"

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