➸ 'What, you think a dumb girl cant drink?'

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My alarm clock sounds like a speaker blasting music in my ear, like it's death to my ears, I stop the alarm and look at my clock.
11:30am. I slept in. I walk downstairs and switch on the tv, SpongeBob comes on, I get excited but then realise the end credits are rolling and its already over. I give up looking for a channel and go over to the kitchen to get myself some cereal. I grab a bowl and chuck in some fruit loops, Poor in the cereal and sit down at the bench. As I'm eating my breakfast I remember I'm getting tutored again today, So I decide to call Clarissa. The phone rings a for a few moments.

"Clarissa speaking." Her muffled voice blurts through the phone.

"Hey it's Bella, what time am I coming over?" I ask.

"Oh,  it's you. Come at 3pm, don't be late." She says sharply before hanging up.

Once I finish my cereal I sit on the lounge room couch and as soon as I flick through the channels my parents walk through the front door.

"Hey sweetie!" My mum leans over the back of the couch and kisses my forehead.

"Hey mum." I smile up at her.

"Hey kiddo." My dad says holding a dozen grocery bags.

"Yo." I say turning on Clueless.

"Can you come help me with the groceries sweetheart?" My mum asks, I groan.

"Mum I just put on a movie." I roll off the couch onto the floor dramatically.

"The movie can wait." My mum says sternly. So bipolar.

"Ugh, whatever." I trudge over to the counter. Once I'm done I collapse onto the couch and I continue watching the movie. As it's playing, my little brother Cameron runs down the stairs in his SpongeBob pyjamas. He looks at the TV and then at me in disgust.

"You're watching that again?" He scowls.

"Yes i'm watching 'that' again. Come watch it with me." I say patting the seat next to me.

He whines a little but ends up sitting next to me to watch the film.

"WHY DID SHE LIKE THE GAY GUY?"  Cameron asks for the 100th time.

"I don't know Cam, I don't know!" I say annoyed.

"Well you've watched it so many times you should know." He mutters. I roll my eyes and throw a cushion at him. I look at the time. 2:40. I have to go to Clarissa's soon. I get up and run to my room, I check my closet and throw on a pair of jeans and one of my many graphic tees.

I hop in my car and drive over to Clarissa's. As I get there I notice there's already a black Porsche in the driveway. I park on the the street and hop out. I walk up to her front door and knock. As someone opens it I expect to see Clarissa, but instead I'm greeted by Leonardo once again.

"Hey." I shrug at him as he stands in the way.

"Hey." He replies back bluntly. I'm about to go inside once I realise he's still standing there looking at me. I clear my throat hoping to get his attention.

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 ❧ 𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now