Chapter 3: Dinner

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The Next Morning Sunday

Yn's POV

We both had work in the morning. Jacob dropped me off to work. I was so exhausted, from all that fooling around last night. The boss was being a total ass wipe. He just kept complaining, and I swear I needed some earplugs. Are all bosses like this?

I finished work and called for a cab home. Jacob couldn't pick me up and cause he has work late. I done the usual when I got home, I cleaned up, got changed and relaxed for the day. I also skyped a few of my girlfriend's back at home. I need to get my gym schedule back on track though. I was so into gym back at home, but it's been a week and I haven't been to gym yet, with all the travelling, working and moving into a new home. So my plan for tomorrow is to go shopping for some fitness clothes and I'm good. I don't always like resting, I got to be active with my time now that I'm older and have no time to throw away and waste

Next Week Saturday

So all day I've been at work, and to the gym. I feel like more relaxed but not about this other date. Like I'm exhausted when it comes to dates. Like what's the point, I'm going to dress up, for me to have an awkward dinner with someone I have history with like can things actually get worse than this. Especially this date. Anyway I got ready for this dinner and Jacob wasn't home yet. I called and I called him but he didn't pick up. I haven't seen him all day, and I was getting so annoyed. Like we have a date. Jacob's not here and we're gonna be late if he doesn't turn up fast and get ready. I was ready and I was ready to leave. I picked up my phone trying to call Jacob AGAIN and he finally turned up

"Yn, you ready?"


"Aight, let's go come on, we gonna be late", he grabbed hold of my hand and we ran to the car

"Wait, your not ready?"

"Oh yeah, I'am", and he started his engine and took off

They arrived to their house. Rico's partner opened the door greeting them both. They went inside, and Jacob and Rico greeted but not Yn and Rico. They just nodded, acknowledging their presences. Rico's girlfriend took Yn into the kitchen with her and they talked as she was prepping the food. Meanwhile, Rico and Jacob are in the living room, talking about guy's stuff. Rico's date went and set the food out on the table and they all took a seat. Rico sat next to his partner and Jacob was next to Yn

"So... I didn't get your name back at the restaurant?"

She chuckled, "My apologies, my name is Jasmine"

"My name is...", Yn introduces

Jasmine interrupts her, "I already know, Rico told me"

Yn nodded

"So... How do you two know each other then?", Jasmine asked

Yn stopped chewing, and looked straight at Rico nervously

He stuttered, "Ohh, we were good college friends", Rico said

"Were? What happened to keeping in touch?", She asked curiously

"Ohh, things just didn't go to plan. Long distance, bad connection you know", he shrugged

"That's a damn shame. So when did you two meet?", She turned to Yn and Jacob

Jacob and Yn both looked at each other, and so did Rico

"Umm we met.... we meet at.... umm coll..."

Jacob stepped in, "Yeah, um we met at a bar actually... we were so invested each others time. We were both drunk but thing's went further from there"

"Umm, how did... You two meet?", Yn changed it up and asked Jasmine

"Well funny enough, I was at this cafe. I used to go all the time with my girls back in the days. And Rico would come with his boy's. Him and his boy's must've thought they were all that. They always used to hit on each and one of us, everytime they'd come. My friends would fall for it but I wasn't no fool to let no dude, sweet talk me the way they used to. I think I just stood out and Rico made his move, and he was so smooth with it. He was soo confident yet so sad. I could see it in him. He was a complete mess. He told me him and his guys were just looking for some girl's to talk to, which I thought was sad, but until he explained everything he went through, from his gf dumping him and leaving him to go back home, I mean I really felt his pain. I just wanted to heal him, but screw all that cause that girl don't know how lucky she is, to have a sexy man like Rico, he's so handsome"

End of POV

Yn's body language changed into a awkward posture when Jasmine mentioned the girl that left him behind which happened to be about herself, Yn. Jacob realised too but he wasn't trying to seem to obvious with their awkward reaction. Yn clears her throat

Rico chuckled, "Still remembering to this day? You really did stand out, I mean you still do"

"Aww baby", she leaned in and kissed him

He kissed back and Yn got uncomfortable, slightly looking away

"Sorry, I just really love this man", She wiped his lips and he chuckled

"So um, ya'll ever thought about having kids yet?", Yn asked Jasmine

"Kids?...", she chuckled, "No, no actually we are quite happy with our sex life"

Rico was sipping his water and as she said that he spat his water out. His girlfriend looked at him, confused

"What, Rico? What you embarrassed?!", she squealed

"Nahh it's cool with me..."

She rolled her eyes

"So, um Rico, how did you cope with everything after college?", Jacob asked Rico

Yn turned straight to Jacob and gave him the look, Rico chuckled and shook his head

"Um, I won't lie to you bro. That's pretty personal"

"Jacob!! What kind of question is that?!", Yn added

"What? I'm just asking the brother..."

"You know what...", She turned to Rico's girlfriend, "Thank you for the dinner girl"

And Yn walked right out. Jacob apologised on Yn's behalf and thanked them both for a great dinner and chased after Yn. She got in the car, slamming the door in. She was mad at Jacob. Jacob was trying to calm her down and hopped in the drivers seat. She wasn't having it. He drove her home and they argued until they got in

"Jacob, have you lost your damn mind?!! Why would you ask that kind of question knowing what's happened?"

"Relax baee, I wasn't tryna be spiteful. I just respected the fact that the brother eventually got over you"

"But don't you see how that can make him look? Did you see how uncomfortable he was? That was fucking cold Jacob. That was just cold"

"...You talking like you still have something for the guy?"

"No, that's not the point. You just don't go blurting out questions like that. It's not okay... Tbh if you wasn't in the way, I probably still would've gone back to him"

Jacob froze, "Damn, you hate me so bad, you tryna hurt me too?"

"Ughh.... baby I'm sorry, Ja-....", Yn whined

"Nahh it's good. I'll just leave you", he went upstairs and didn't come back down til I went up to bed. Then he went back downstairs with a pillow and a duvet

Yn's POV

Sorry but I'm not sorry. How can he bring something up like that and try to justify it like it's okay when it's not. I did feel pretty bad but I was pressed. He can't blame me...

I went to bed alone. I guess his petty ass slept on the couch. Ughh. I will make it up to him tomorrow

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