Chapter 13: Repercussions

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She got up, "Thank you, that conversation was very warming", I said sarcastically

He laughed, "Your not so bad with the jokes either"

She laughed, "Bye Keegan"

"Bye Yn... I'll let Ashante know you stopped by"

She nodded and left his place


Yn stayed home instead and worked at home. Jacob sent her a text saying he'll be back soon but Yn wasn't interested anymore. She could care less at this moment in time, as she felt like everything's coming down on her shoulders. There was a knock at the door. She opened it expecting it would be Jacob but it was Rico, carrying a bag of stuff

Yn's POV


"Uh... Jasmine wanted me to drop this off", he handed me the bag

I smiled, "Thanks Rico"

He nodded and turned round about to walk away but I called him. I just wanted to clear the air


He looked back

"Do you want to come inside for a while?"

"Nah, I got a girlfriend to get home to", he said

Okay... I was aware of that and I was also aware that he wasn't so interested in talking. He was moreless giving me the cold shoulder. I feel so bad, and I'm trying to fix it but that was just a bit childish. He walked away and never even said bye


I stayed home alone, relaxing by myself. I was watching so many series on Netflix but then I was distracted when Jacob came through the front door

"What's going on, bae?"

I got up and hugged him and gave him a little peck and sat back down, getting back to whatever it was I was doing

"Is that it?"

I shrugged and turned back to the tele. He chuckled and came up behind me, massaging on my shoulders. It felt so good and I was soo relaxed but then he suggested something else we'd do, something I wasn't really in the mood to do

"Wanna fool around?"

I shook my head and he stopped massaging my shoulders

"You don't wanna fool around?"

I shook my head again, and he scoffed and just went upstairs, and left me to myself. For the evening, I just relaxed, by myself enjoying my own company, something I've been doing for a week

2 weeks Later

I've just been focused on work the past few weeks. I don't have any time on my hands to be worrying about anything else except work right now. Me and Jacob are fine, we make love every so often but the spark isn't there anymore. Not the same spark I used to feel. We've been doing this for 5 years why all of sudden is there no spark? I feel like Jasmine right now but that's a lie because nowadays when we talk she's always talking about how her and Rico are back on track with the sound of how things are going between the two. So I don't exactly feel like Jasmine because she seems to be back on her feet

He's showing her more attention, he's always staying home, looking after her. I'm happy for her tbh, now that she doesn't have to go gym every time I go, and flirt with the sweaty buff guys. All I wanted for today was to just relax but Jacob and Rico are having a guy's night here in the living room. He's always hanging with Rico somewhere else, whether it's at Rico's or they going out but today they really decided to stay here? The day I happen to stay indoors and relax, having the house to myself? It's funny cause I've actually realised how close Rico and Jacob have got and I never ever thought I would see the day...

After a while, Jacob and Rico popped out. I finally had the house to myself I was in my room, watching tele. I was a bit needy, and as embarrassing as it was, a thought came in mind. I wanted to pleasure myself and it's so natural. I'm not ashamed... The touch of my hand works wonders when I'm in the mood😩 When I finished I cleaned myself up and took a shower. I came back out and went downstairs to go and grab my clothes off the heater. I heard someone in the kitchen, searching through my fridge, what the hell... I crept up and they quickly swung the fridge door in. I screamed

"OMG!... Rico you scared me...", I giggled

He nodded and walked past me into the living room like it was nothing. I followed him into the next room and he just sat there switching through the channels onto some basketball

"Umm... Where's Jacob?"

"He's gone to get something from the car?"

"Right... Umm, when did you two get back?"

"Not too long ago..."

I nodded, "How's everything going with you and Jasmine then?"

"Why you asking?", he looked at me blankly

"I just... wanna know how everything is"

He chuckled, "...We're good", and he turned back to the tele

"Rico... I know you're giving me the cold shoulder"

"Cold shoulder? Girl, I'm talking to you now, aren't I?", he spat arrogantly

I didn't say anything and then he just kissed his teeth and went back to the tele. I just went back upstairs, like how rude? In my own house tho, like?

I just called Marcelo cause I could do with someone to talk to right now. I called him

Later that evening

Rico was just leaving, so I went back downstairs to bother my man. I hugged him from behind and I kissed him behind his ear

"Bae, Can I watch nba please?", he turned round

I stopped, "Fine..."

I walked up the stairs and he asked me, "Where you going?"

"Out...", and I stormed up to my room and got changed into my gym clothes

I went back downstairs and straight out the house to my car. I took the car and drove to the gym by myself. I went and done like 7 workouts in like a hour, releasing all that unnecessary anger I've been storing in my system


I finished work and got changed into something more comfortable. Today, I called, Ashante to come over because I still feel guilty, about not telling Jasmine about the kiss me and Rico shared. Honestly, Jasmine doesn't deserve me, keeping secrets like that from her, she deserves to know but the thing that is holding me back is the fact that they're both back on track with their relationship. Jasmine just made it here and I poured us some wine. We talked about how everything's going in our lives and I brought up Rico and what happened a few weeks back

"What happened with you and Rico?"

"...we kissed", I said nervously

She gasped and covered her mouth, "You didn't..."

I nodded, "... yeah I did", ashamed of myself

I told her how it happened and she was giving me all the surprised faces you could ever think of

"And all of this and you haven't told her?"

I shook my head, "I want to. We are technically close friends and I feel so guilty everytime we go out"

She shook her head

"What should I do?... She's even told me that her and Rico are back on track"

Her eyes widened, "Honestly, If I was you I wouldn't tell her because of that... but it's only right to tell her, otherwise you'll feel like shit not telling her, and secrets always come out, one way or the other", she sipped on her drink

I sighed, distressed and she rubbed my back, "It's alright girl, don't stress too much. I'm sure she'll understand. Besides you were both vulnerable. It was a mistake, right?"

I nodded

"See, don't worry about it. Just tell her the truth, and give her time to get over it, cause she will"

I nodded and we both finished the rest of glasses of wine

Reunited and It Feels So Good!! (Sequel to Three Way Game) Ft Jacob PerezWhere stories live. Discover now